Assessment of knowledge, practice and associated factors towards venous Thrombo-Embolism among adult intensive care unit nurses at governmental Hospital, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, March to April 2019.
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Yigezu, Fikiru
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Addis Abeba University
Background: Venous thrombi-embolism (VTE) is the third leading non-communicable vascular disease
following heart attack and stroke worldwide. It is a significant and challenging problem in critically ill
patient. Nurses’ knowledge and skill to assess and prevent complications like VTE for admitted patients
in ICU is limited in developing nations including Ethiopia which needs insight for possible solution and
Objective: The aim of this study is to assess knowledge, practice and associated factors towards venous
thrombi-embolism among adult intensive care unit nurses at governmental hospitals in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia March to April 2019.
Methods: Institution based cross-sectional study was conducted from March to April2019 on 195 nurses
working in selected governmental hospitals in Addis Ababa. Respondents were employed with non
probability survey sampling technique. The data were collected by using self evaluative structured and
pretested questionnaires. The collected data was coded and entered in to Epic data and
transferred to SPSS version 21 for further analysis. Vicariate and multi-variety logistic regression model
was used for association between independent versus out-come variables.
Results; A total of 177 nurses with a response rate of 90.77% were participated in this study from which
(55.4%) of the respondents had good knowledge about risk factors of VTE and (42.37%) had good
practice towards VTE risk assessment and prevention practice. There was a significant relationship
between nurses’ knowledge level and lack of resource (P= 0.027) and experience (p=0.022). Nursing
rotation (p=0.038), educational level (p=0.012) and coworker pressure (p= 0.023) were significantly
associated with nurse’s practice towards VTE in adult ICU. The statistical significance level was
declared at p-value <0.05.
Conclusion & Recommendation: The results from this study showed that nurses had poor knowledge
of VTE risk factors and poor practice towards VTE risk assessment and prevention in patients admitted
to intensive care unit. Lack of guide line, assessment protocol, and resources are contributing factors.
Therefore, the hospital’s administrative and supportive organizations would better to provide training
regarding VTE risk factors and its management to staff nurses, avail guideline and protocols.
Venous thrombi-embolism, knowledge, risk assessment practice, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia