An Assessment Practices and Challenges of School Improvement Program Implementation in Selected Secondary Schools of Kirkos Sub City
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Addis Ababa University
This research was designed to examine the school improvement program implementation
by focusing on its practices and challenges in selected Secondary Schools of Kirkos Sub-
City To this end descriptive survey design was employed. Both quantitative and
qualitative methods were used in the study. The study was guided by questions; such as,
what are the practices of SIP implementation in secondary schools of Kirkos Sub-City?
What are the major challenges encountering the SIP implementation? Data were
collected by means of questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, focused-group
discussion, observation and document analysis. Accordingly, the data obtained through
questionnaires were analyzed by using mean values and standard deviations. For the
focused group discussion, semi-structured interviews, observation and document analysis
the data were analyzed by using content analysis technique. Simple random sampling
was used to select the woredas under the study and purposive sampling techniques were
employed to the principals, school supervisors and school improvement committees.
Simple random sampling techniques were used to teachers and students. Also focused
group discussions were employed to parent’s student teachers association and school
improvement committees. The major findings of the study indicated that planning SIP
implementation lacked of conducting self-assessment to identify the current status of the
school and limited budget was also presented as another challenge. Teachers’ attitude
and the capacities of the school leaders; moreover, were revealed as the internal factor
that hindered the successfulness of the program. As a result, school leaders were advised
to conduct self-assessment and prioritized the problems when planning for school
improvement program. It was also forwarded that after the assignment of school leaders,
woreda education administrators would be better providing principals and cluster
supervisors with management related or leadership training. Finally, strengthening the
community involvement and collaborative planning were recommended to school
principals as well as teachers of the schools.
An Assessment Practices and Challenges of School