A Study on the Agro-Biodiversity with Special Emphasis on the Relationship Between Distance from Homestead and Crop Diversity on -Farm in Fontanina, Southwelo
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Addis Ababa Universty
The distribution of crops with distance from the homestead was studied in 324 peasant faIms
in Fontanina village (South Welo). Edaphic, climatic and socio-cultural factors play
impOliant roles in the distribution of crop species. Farmers categorized their farms into three
main classes and each class is located at different distance from the farm house- hold
residence, and contains crops of different value.
The homegardens are characterized by pere1l1lial plants composed of const11lction and fiuit
trees. The nearby farms and main crop fields are fields of annual crops. The nearby farms
are characterized by Zea mays L. and other crops planted for immediate use in preharvest
periods. The main fields are dominated by Sorghum bie%r (L.) Moench and Eragrostis tef
(Zucc.) Trotter.
Multivariate statistical analysis of presence I absence data of species in a sample of 65 stands
(farms) shows two distinct groups of falms. The fields of annual crops are categorized
together and the homegardens formed a separate group. The variation among the
homegardens is also detected. Clustering of 50 stands from annual crop fields based on
quantitative data of 22 species resulted in three clusters (crop community types) and two
Estimation of the frequency of sorghum intraspecific diversity in 123 fields indicated that
the frequency of sorghum landraces decreased due to shOliage of rainfall, while that of fast
maturing, introduced varieties, of sorghum increased.
The discussion undertaken with the interviewed farmers revealed that traditional farmers
have accumulated knowledge by which they classify their fanns and crops, distribute crops
in their fields and maintain or preserve landrace diversity. This knowledge can fonn the
basis for scientific research activities in different branches of conservation and development.
For example, it is vital to include farmers' knowledge in the efforts of strengthening the
scientific basis of iI/situ conservation of crop genetic resources and in upbringing sustainable
agricultural systems.
Farm in Fontanina