Targeting Practice of Rural Productive Safety Net Programme: The case of Alamura Kebele, Sidama Zone, SNNPR
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Addis Ababa University
The goal of this study was to explore how safety net program targets the poorest households, how the beneficiary perceives safety net targeting and how they formulate strategies to find solution. To conduct this research and attain the objectives set, a qualitative descriptive research design, and case study research strategy were used. Data is collected from multiple sources to draw the complete picture of safety net targeting. The primary data were collected from key informant interviews and focus group discussions, whereas secondary data was collected from review of related literature and documents. Accordingly, 25 key informant interviews & 3 FGDs each consisting of 7, 10 & 11 participants were conducted. The key individual interview participants were purposively selected from safety net beneficiaries of the sampled kebele, and the FGDs participants were reached based on their knowledge of operation of safety net program. The study found that though safety net transfer is reaching most of the food insecure households (the poorest) due to targeting error, allocation of quota, approach of family cap, nepotism/ social networking and family bondage, there are still many poor households which need the support of safety net program that are not covered by the program. Inclusion of unqualified households that did not satisfy the targeting criteria and exclusion of the poorest households from safety net has affected safety net targeting and sound fund utilizations. The findings shown inefficient participation of the beneficiaries in the process of targeting and Kebele Appeal Committee which was expected to undertake appeal management did not functional at a Kebele level. The study also presents social work implications on the areas of policy/program, practice, education and research. In addition, further research suggestion is provided.
Key terms: safety net, targeting, retargeting, full family targeting, family cap and resource dilution.
safety net, targeting, retargeting, full family targeting, family cap and resource dilution.