Causes And Effects of Staff Turnover in the Federal Ministry of Education
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study is to identify the main triggering factors and effects of staff
turnover in the Federal Ministry of Education and to provide possible preventive
solutions that help retain employees .The study employed the quantitative and
qualitative research design methods .The target population for this study were 92 out
of 275 the current professional employees , the ex-employees and managers. The
sampling technique for managers is purposive (non-probability), For current
employees random(probability ) and for ex-employees convenience (non -probability)
sampling technique were used. The descriptive method was employed to gather data
from a relatively large number cases with in a limited period of time .The instruments
used to gather primary data self – administered questionnaires were prepared and
interview was used . Before distributing, questionnaires had been commented by 10
senior experts who have research expertise. Corrections were made as per given
comment because of this two questions rejected and one is modified. For the
secondary Document analysis was made. Two types of questionnaires were prepared
one for current employees and one for ex-employees. Interview was conducted with
two office heads (HRM deputy head and Grievance Handling Office Deputy head)and
one senior expert. Descriptive statistics such as percentage ,mean and cross tabulation
were employed for data analysis .The SPSS version 16.00 for window is used. Based on
The data analysis the following findings were recorded . The main findings indicated
main reasons that force employees to leave the organization were: inadequate salary,
trainings which were not given fairly and appropriately, dissatisfaction with
unmatched position and the skill and knowledge employees have, rewards of
incentives provided in the organization were not based on fairness and performance
evaluation , and the increased loss of experienced and skilled man power are the main
ones. The findings also indicated the following effects : reduction of performance, loss
of experienced and skilled man power and incurred cost. To minimize these problems
the following solutions are recommended. Reasonable and market related salary to be
considered for employees , assign employees to different positions based on their
qualification , skill and knowledge they have to the position, training and
developments to be provided fairly and appropriately ,motivate and convince
employees to stay in the organization ,and participate employees in decision making
will help retain employees.
Key Words: Turnover, Employee, Manager, Incentive
Urnover, Employee, Manager, Incentive