Comparative Cross Sectional Study on Chronic Respiratory Symptoms and Associated Factors among Addis Ababa city municipal Street Sweepers, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Street sweepers play an important role in helping the wellbeing of the people and cleanliness of
the cities. This job exposes the street sweepers to a variety of risk factors such as dust, toxins and
diesel exhaust pollution, which leads them to develop respiratory symptoms and diseases.
Objective: This study was designed to assess the prevalence of chronic respiratory symptoms
and associated factors among street sweepers.
Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted among a sample of 208 street
sweepers and 203 petty traders in Addis Ababa city in 36 districts of three selected sub cities;
Yeka, Bole and Arada of Addis Ababa city administration from January to May 2016. The data
was collected using close ended questionnaire adapted from American Thoracic Society
respiratory symptoms questionnaire and observational check list was used to check the
accessibility and utilization of personal protective devices. The collected data was entered in to
computer using Epi-Info7 then exported to SPSS (version 20) for cleaning and analysis.
Frequency distribution, Chi square test and logistic regression were used in data analysis.
Result꞉ In this study, the prevalence of chronic respiratory symptoms was 113(54.3%) in street
sweepers and 51(25.12%) petty traders with prevalence of Cough (43.6% versus 15.3%), Phlegm
(24.8% versus 9.4%), Wheezing (19.3% versus 5.4%), breathlessness (17.8% versus 6.4%) and
Chest pain (5.3% versus 1.5%). None of the street sweepers used respirator and 57.7% wearing
mouth/nose mask. Chronic respiratory symptoms among street sweepers were associated with age
(AOR = 1.382, 95 % CI, 1.176-10.861), work experience (AOR = 6.418,95 % CI, 1.604-25.686),
working hours (AOR = 3.925, 95 % CI, 2.060-7.477) and past dust exposure (AOR = 2.696, 95 %
CI, 1.278-5.685).
Conclusions and recommendations
Chronic respiratory symptoms were highly prevalent among street sweepers than the control
group. Age, duration of job, working hours and past dust exposure were identified factors among
street sweepers. Therefore, the study has recommended that Pre employment and on service
training should be given and, appropriate protective device should be supplied in order to
maintain the health and safety of workers. Further studies with cohort study design should be
undertaken to identify the factors responsible for higher prevalence of chronic respiratory
symptoms among the street sweepers.
Chronic Respiratory Symptoms