Factors Affecting Organizational Performance During The COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Ethiopian Airlines
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This study has tried to assess factors affecting the performance of Ethiopian airlines during the
COVID-19 pandemic. The type of research design that has been undertaken in this study was
descriptive and explanatory. The selected approach for this research is quantitative method. The
research has used primary data type. Five-point Likert scale questionnaire was used to collect
data from employees of Ethiopian airlines head office. From 16, 002 employees of Ethiopian
airlines, the determined sample size was 390. In this study the researcher has used Convenience
sampling method because of its ease of use for a population which is too large. After the data was
collected it was analyzed by using both descriptive and inferential statistics tool. Statistical
Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20 was used to analyze quantitative data from
questionnaire questions. Descriptive statistics tools were used to find out whether the COVID-19
pandemic was having a negative effect on each of the independent variables (working
environment, organizational culture, employee motivation, training, and leadership) and the
dependent variable (organizational performance). The descriptive statistics has revealed that all
the independent variables and dependent variable were negatively affected by the COVID-19
pandemic. Pearson’s correlation and Multiple Linear Regression model were used to determine
the relationship between the independent variable with the dependent variable. The correlation
analysis result indicated that there was positive relationship between each of the independent
variables with the dependent variable. The result of regression analysis implied that COVID-19
pandemic has affected Organizational Performance of Ethiopian Airlines negatively and this is
due to changes the pandemic has caused on Working Environment (B=0.398, P=.00), followed by
Organizational Culture (B=0.218, P=.00), Employee’s Motivation (B=0.168, P=.004), and
Leadership (B=0.140, P=.00) of the company respectively. The pandemic has also affected
training programs that used to be provided by the airlines negatively but its contribution to the
change on Organizational Performance has shown to be non-significant (B=0.065, P=.157).
Owing this, the study concludes that Working environment, Organizational culture, Employee
motivation and Leadership predicts Organizational performance of Ethiopian airlines during the
COVID-19 pandemic, therefore the airlines should give due attention to the changes the pandemic
is causing on each of these factors.