Comparison of Retaining Structures Based on Their Performance (Case of Addis Ababa)
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Addis Ababa University
Deep basement constructions are always anticipated in densely populated and urban areas with
limited construction spaces like Addis Ababa. The design of basement retaining walls and their
supporting system involves careful analysis, design and monitoring due to the sensitivity of ground
movements that can cause damage to the adjacent buildings, roads and other utilities. Therefore,
analyses and parametric study are important to better understand the response of the soil to
excavation and to predict the magnitude and pattern of ground movement.
In Addis Ababa the most common type of retaining wall for deep excavation is contiguous bored
pile wall. This retaining method may not be relatively effective in terms of various parameters like
soil type of the area, embedment depth, size of the wall, and construction cost. Thus other
alternative retaining systems should be considered and analyzed to select a best option. There are
papers written to analyze the performance of different types of retaining structures. The results
presented in those papers are for a specific type of retaining structure and lack cost estimation.
These two factors limit the flexibility to compare results in an organized manner and have
reasonable up-to-date information about the construction cost. Therefore, it is necessary to
compare soil retaining structures used for deep excavations by including additional comparison
factor, which is cost of construction.
The objective of this thesis is to identify the effect and performance of diaphragm, contiguous and
tangent bored pile retaining walls for basement work in terms of bending moment, shear force,
lateral wall deflections and ground movements by varying wall types, varying size of the wall and
varying wall embedment length during stages excavation using the software package PLAXIS 2D
version 8.2 for the chosen case study. Besides that, to determine the appropriate wall type for
basement based on economical aspect. Results of these analyses were recorded in terms horizontal
displacement of the wall, ground settlement behind the wall, shear force and bending moments
induced in the wall due to an adjacent deep excavation. And those Results from software analysis
will be compared with each other to select the best option which is worth to consider based on
their performance. And also they will be compared based on the cost which the walls worth’s.
Retaining Structures, ground movement, Addis Ababa