Exploring Distribution Process and Customer Experience: The Case of Liquified Petroleum Gas in Addis Ababa
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Nations face distinct and significant issues in the quickly changing and expanding world, particularly
countries that are developing, where energy needs are rising due to population expansion, economic
progress, and individual fuel/energy consumption. Currently countries are looking for efficient, reliable,
environmental friendly and cost effective source of energy for house hold consumption and for their
industries. Even though LPG product is very sensitive, efficient and effective means of alternative source
of energy in Ethiopia and Addis Ababa, it is rounded with a lots of challenges and hustles through
availability and accessibility by participant bodies of the business and we can’t get the fruit of
competitive advantage of LPG product on the country economy and individuals energy’s satisfaction
levels. The purpose of this research paper is to explore distribution process and Customer Experiences on
LPG business. Using Exploratory study approach data were collected from targeted populations that are
Bulk Importers and Distributors, whole sellers, retailers and LPG customer’s thorough interview as a
primary source and related literature as secondary sources. Those data were analyzed by qualitative
case study methods. Using thematic analysis method discussion was made on the result using Microsoft
word coding in to themes, the study identify major distribution process challenges and opportunities,
customers experience on the field and propose the necessary remedies, suggestion to be taken for the
effective distribution and usage of LPG.