Communication Strategy of Oromia Regional Government Communication Affairs Burcau: Effectiveness of Implementation and Challenges
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Addis Ababa University
Effecti ve and pl anned communication strategy IS not only an essential aspect of the
contemporary organi zation, but can al so be seen as the basis of sustaining organi zations. This
paper acknowledges the importance of communication strategy fo r awareness creation and
alt itude de ve lopment. I-ience, the study ex plored the effectiveness of implementation and
challcnges o r' ORGCAB communication strategy on creating aware ness and developing alt itudes
of the community. Participatory, social mobilization and the two-steps flow of communication
theories encompass the underpinning for the theoret ical part of the paper. Three basic research
qucstions were rai sed to guide the study. and scholarly articles related to the issues were
di scussed. Both non- random sampling (i.e. Purposive sampling) and systematic sampling
methods were used to se lect the subjects. Both qua li ta ti ve and quantitati ve resea rch methods were
employed. Therefore. the researcher employed qualitative content anal ys is as a major method and
quantitati ve as supporti ve method. The data for the study were gathcred through questionnaires
and in-depth interviews with key informants. The data composed from questionnaires was
delibe rated using SPSS package throu gh quantitative co ntent analys is. Fu rthermore. the data obtained
from conducted interviews was di scussed and ana lyzed qua litati ve ly. In addition. a document was
also the tool employed fo r gatheri ng the data. The findi ng of the study showed that the bureau' s
communication strategies were implemented with inadequate knowledgc. inappropri ate
techniques and insuffici ent faciliti es . Besides, the study revealed that the bureau' s segments and
stak eholders were implementing the communication strategy with ineffi cient feed backs and
limited collaboration. Fin ally. the study concluded th at the bureau's communi cation strategy was
implemented effectively; and recommend at ions were provided based on the conclusion.
Oromia Regional Government Communication, Burcau: Effectiveness of Implementation