Magnitude of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C infection and their Associated Risk Factors Among Psychiatric Patients at Amanuel Mental Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


Background: Hepatitis B (HBV) and Hepatitis C (HCV) viruses are hepatotoxic viruses that spread mainly through contaminated blood and blood products, sexual contact and contaminated needles. HBV and HCV infection share similar transmission routes and therefore co-infection is common. These viruses are prevalent in different parts of the world including Ethiopia. Five and three point three percent of world population have been infected with HBV and HCV respectively. The prevalence of HBV is 2.0% in USA, 8.0-20.0% in South- East Asia, the prevalence of HCV 4.8% in Pakistan, 3.2% in china and 22% in Egypt. In Ethiopia, there is lack of data on the prevalence of HBV and HCV and globally concerning to psychiatric patients. Objective: The aim this research was to determine the Magnitude of HBV and HCV infection among psychiatric patients. Methods: A Cross-sectional study was conducted in the study site among psychiatric patients. Structured questionnaires were used to collect information pertaining to socio demographic factors including history of mental illness, and associated factors for HBV and HCV infection. Blood specimen was collected and serum was separated to determine hepatitis B surface antigen (HBSAg) and anti-HCV antibody by Enzyme linked immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20 software. We have used descriptive statistics for some variables. Moreover, bivariate and multivariate analysis was applied. The Odds ratio with 95 % CI was used to assess the risk factors. P value less than 0.05 was taken as statistically significant. Result: A total of 384 participants who have Psychiatric problems were participated in this study, where 208 (54.2%) of them were males. The age distribution ranges form 20-70 years. The overall burden of HBsAg and HCV antibody was 20.3% and 14.3 % respectively. History of tattooing of body and blood transfusion were found to be statistically significance with HBV virus infection and history multi sexual partners with HCV infection. Conclusion: Magnitude of HBV and HCV is high among Psychiatric patients and special efforts should be taken by the hospitals and other stakeholders to investigate the real source of HBV and HCV infection among the psychiatric and other mentally ill people in order to address appropriate intervention measures. Key words፡ HBV, HCV, Magnitude



HBV, HCV, Magnitude
