Ethnobotanical Study of Traditional Medicinal Plants Used by Indigenous People of Ankesha District , Awi Zone, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants was conducted to document the indigenous plant-based
medicinal knowledge of people in Ankesha Wereda, Amhara Regional State Northern Ethiopia. A
total of 60 informants (age beteween20-80) were selected to collect information on medicinal plant
use from eight sampled kebeles. Of these, 8 key informants were selected purposively based on
recommendation by local elders and authorities. A total of 62medicinal plant species distributed in
59 genera and 40 families were collected and identified. Out of these, 51 species (82.2%) were used
against human ailments, 5species (8.1%) were used against livestock ailments and the remaining 6
species (9.7%) were used to treat both human and livestock ailments. From the total medicinal plant
species, 22 were herbs, followed by 18 species of shrubs, 15 species of trees, and 6 species of
climbers. The most frequently used plant parts were leaves (29.7%) followed by roots (24.7%)),
seeds (13.8%), fruit (6.9%), stems (6.9%), sap (3.9%) latex, (2.9%), bark (1.9%), flower (1.9%),
and bulb (1.9%). The most widely used method of preparation was crushing (53.5%), squeezing
(12.6%), and chewing (12.6%) of the different plant parts. The common route of administration
recorded was oral (62.6%) followed by dermal (21.2%) application. Agricultural expansion,
firewood collection, and construction were reported as major threats to plants of the study area.
The Ankesha people possess rich ethnomedicinal knowledge. This study can be used as a basis for
developing management plans for conservation, sustainable use and drug development.
Ethnobotany, Ethnomedicinal, Fidelity Level, Informant Consensus Factor, Traditional Medicinal Plants