Effect of Cold Chain Management Practices on Availability of Vaccines: The Case of Health Centers under Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau
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Addis Ababa University
This research was designed to assess the effect of cold chain management practices on
availability of vaccines: the case of health centers under Addis Ababa city administration health
bureau. The study used a quantitative methodology with explanatory study design to generate
answers to the research questions. Primary data were collected through questionnaire from cold
chain responsible personnel in selected health centers. To determine the sample size for selecting
health centers the researcher employed a sample determination formula developed by Cochran
in 1963. In order to select the respondents, the study used probability sampling method
specifically simple random sampling. Accordingly, an aggregate of 71 respondents were selected
and participated in this study and out of these, data were obtained from 62 respondents. Data
collected through questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency and
mean. As an aside, correlation was used so as to assess the relationship between cold chain
management practices and availability of vaccines. Multiple regression equation was used to test
the hypothesis of research. The findings of the study revealed that all the components of cold
chain management practices and also availability of vaccines were rated average except
information system. The regression analysis revealed that storage and distribution practices
have significant positive effect on the availability of vaccines. On the other hand technical
capacity and information system were found to have no significant effect on the availability of
vaccines. In order to improve the availability of vaccines in the health centers the researcher
recommend to FMOH and other concerning bodies to focus on all distribution and storage
practices. Among the recommendations, using electronic databases such as Health Commodities
Management Information System (HCMIS), accelerating the transition of vaccine supply chain
responsibility from the Federal Ministry of Health to the Pharmaceuticals Fund and Supply
Agency, purchasing more cold chain equipments are some to mention. On top of that, the
researcher recommend others to conduct similar research by expanding their scope to include
private and other governmental health facilities and also to find out actual vaccine wastage
cold chain, vaccine, availability