Assessment of Project Implementation process and its Challenges of Permanent Direct Support project, Case study in Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


This study explores the implementation process and factors that challenge the implementation process. Permanent direct support program as a tool for poverty reduction; “The assessment of Implementation process and its challenges” is intended as a first step toward future conceptual refinement and systemic interventions. The study expected to provide meaningful and organized information which helps concerned bodies to make evidence based decision. To conduct this research data were collected from 10 woredas of 5 sub cities including federal and Addis Ababa city administration. These sites were selected randomly from sub cities and woredas which have direct involvement of PDS. Sample respondent for questionnaires were randomly selected where as interviewed participant were purposively selected to address people who have direct involvement in the implementation of PDS. The research is both qualitative and quantitative. In used both primary and secondary data source. The result of the research shows that the project is making good progress although the pace of implementation is slow compared to the design because elements of the PAD & PIM are not fully realized. It was also found that Capacity gaps, limited coordination among stakeholders and absence of organized system are the major challenges of implementation process. To attain the anticipated results of PDS the implementers need to understand how holistic and integrated service delivery through capacitating themselves in human resource, finance and logistics. Furthermore, strong monitoring and evaluation system should be established



project management, project implementation and implementation challenges
