The problelmes and prospects o f implementing instructonal Satellite Tv programs in secondary schools of southern Nations nationalities and Peoples region (Snnpr)
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Addis Ababa Universty
This study was undertaken mainly to find out the eXlstzng problems in
implementing instructional Satellite TV Programs in secondary schools of
SNNPR. In the study it was also tried to assess the attitudes of teachers and
students towards ISTV programs.
The study employed descriptive survey method. The rationale behind using
this approach u)as that the study intended at gathering data, facts and Jigures
that provides descriptive information on the current conditions and practices oj"
Instructional Satellite Television programs, and enables identification oj the
existing problems.
Simple random sampling technique was employed to select six secondary
schools in Jive Zones and one ((;:,pecia l" Woreda oj SNNPlC. The same techniqu.e
was utilized to select thirty-six teacher respondents. Student respondents
were selected making use of quota sampling technique.
Accordingly, 600 students Jrom six secondary schools were involved in the
study. Besides, two REB officials and two media experts Jrom EMJ\. were also
participants oj the study.
To gather data from the aforementioned groups and schools, two types oj
questionnaires, interviews and classroom observations have been utilized. The
data obtained was analyzed using simple frequency counts and percentages.
Moreover, chi square goodness-of-Jit statistical test u)as employed to checl\: the
attitude oj students and teachers toward ISTV programs.
Based on the findings of this study, schools in the region have been Jound well
equipped with plasma TV and other program receiving materials. Ilowever, the
overall implementation of the program in the region was being constrained by
inadequate supply of instructional resources such as TV lesson teacher's and
students guides, absences of well-trained technician, inadequate number of
teachers in eoch subject area, high teaching load, too fast presentation of the
ISTV program, almost absence of pre-broadcast activities and low level oj zone
and woreda education offices' support to schools. in addition, subject teachers
in the region lack proper orientation or training about the utilization of plasma
TV sets and programs for teaching in the classroom. Classrooms' physical
setting was found to be satisfactory to realize the program. It. was also Jound
out that teachers have a strongly positive and students have neutral attitudes
towards the iSTV programs.
Finally, it was suggested that worksheets need to be prepared in each subject
to solve the shortage oj time, and ISTV programs should also be digitalized to
minimize problems that may encounter due to program transmission Jailure. In
addition, the study suggested the provision of short-term in-service trainings at
woreda or school level to upgrade the skill and knowledge of subject teachers .