Suitability Analysis of Solid Waste Disposal Site Using GIS Techniques for Sululta Town: Oromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfinne, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Generation of solid waste is immensely increasing as the rate of population influx into urban
area is increasing. This condition demands scientific approach of solid waste disposal site
selection for proper urban solid waste management. Therefore, the aim of this study was to
identify suitable solid waste disposal site that consider environmental friendly, economically cost
effective and socially acceptable in Sululta Town, Oromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfinne,
by using the geographical information system and the analytic hierarchy process. The criteria
for site selection used are slope, surface material, geological feature, hydro geological feature,
distance from the water body, prevailing wind direction, distance from built-up areas, and
distance from the main roads. Multi-criteria evaluation methods are used for solid waste
disposal site selection. The final weighted model was grouped as unsuitable, least suitable,
moderately suitable, and suitable site. The results of the analysis show that 7% of the study area
was suitable for solid waste disposal, 10% moderately suitable, 21% least suitable and 62% of
the total area is unsuitable. Evaluating those potential suitable solid waste disposal sites was
made through determinant criteria such as distance from river, size of the site, wind direction,
distance from built up area and distance from main roads so as to choose the best suitable site.
However, evaluation of candidate sites in relation to their size shows that all suitable solid waste
disposal site 1(24 ha), 2(30 ha), 3(69 ha) and 4(300 ha) with area coverage of more than 24 ha,
are equally suitable sites as it could serve for longer years. But, from the wind direction
perspective, the dominant wind blows from southern direction followed by south eastern which
posed further pollution to the down central town residents if the site determined along the area.
Hence, suitable solid waste disposal site 1 was more preferable site than other sites in terms of many set criteria and proposed best suitable site for solid waste disposal in the town.
Key words: Suitability, Solid waste disposal site, Analytical Hierarchical Process
Suitability, Solid Waste Disposal Site, Analytical Hierarchical Process