Factors Affecting the Implementation of Integrated Financial Management Information System in Ethiopian Public Institutions: The Case of Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Finance, Integrated Financial Management Information System Project Office.
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Gov’t around the world aim at having efficient public financial management in order to efficiently
manage the resources. Government of Ethiopia realized the importance of IFMIS towards efficient
and effective service delivery to the public.
This study examines the factors affecting the effective implementation of IFMIS in the public
sector, specifically at the Ministry of Finance (MOF), the IFMIS implementation project office,
and the Ministry of Agriculture. The research design is mixed, using both qualitative and
quantitative approaches. The target population includes the IFMIS project implementation office
at MOF and all IFMIS users at the Ministry of Agriculture. Probability and purposeful sampling
are used to identify relevant population members. Data was collected through questionnaires and
analyzed using descriptive statistics like mean, standard deviation, and percentages using SPSS
software version 25. The study analyzed data from Ethiopian public institutions, focusing on the
implementation of integrated financial management information systems (IFMIS). The results
showed that staff resistance, user capacity and technical skills, ICT infrastructure, top
management awareness and support, and support provided by the IFMIS project office were
significant factors affecting the performance of the two ministry offices. The normality test,
multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test were used to determine the correlation between
the independent variables and the dependent variable. Multiple-linear regression was used to
determine the factors affecting the implementation of IFMIS. The results showed that staff
resistance, user capacity and technical skills, ICT infrastructure, top management awareness and
support, and support provided by the IFMIS project office positively predicted the effective
implementation of IFMIS on the performance of the two ministry offices.
Keywords: Integrated Financial Management System Public Sectors, Staff Resistance, User Capacity,
Technical Skills, ICT Infrastructure, Top Management Awareness, And Support.