Capacity utilization improvement for auxiliary machineries: In case of BGI Ethiopia

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Ermiyas Girma

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Addis Ababa University


This study aims to improve the capacity utilization of auxiliary machines in brewery factories, focusing on the CO2 plant, boiler plant, cooling plant, and air plant at BGI Ethiopia. These machines are vital for supporting the brewing process, and any breakdown or inefficiency can significantly impact the overall brewery operation. The study identified underutilization of the capacity of auxiliary machines at BGI Ethiopia. Despite its potential to produce 3200 hectoliters per day, the factory is currently operating at 75% capacity, producing only 2400 hectoliters per day. The challenges contributing to this underutilization include auxiliary machine failures, high downtime, breakdowns, and inadequate application of monitoring and control systems. To address these challenges, the study adopts a research methodology that involves collecting quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative measures such as breakdown and stoppage time, production output, shifts, and workers are used to assess the current state of auxiliary machine capacity utilization. Workplace site observations and expert opinions are also considered, along with secondary data from literature, reports, publications, logbooks, machine displays, and articles related to capacity utilization. The collected data is analyzed using statistical techniques, including mathematical analysis for quantitative data and thematic analysis for qualitative data. This analysis aims to identify root causes and trends to gain insights into the current state of auxiliary machine capacity utilization. The findings are presented through tables, charts, and graphs to support the analysis. Factors that positively or negatively impact auxiliary machine capacity utilization in brewery plants are highlighted. The discussion focuses on the main root causes of breakdowns and inefficiencies, the impacts of downtime on capacity utilization, potential solutions, and best practices to prevent breakdowns. Based on the research findings, recommendations are provided to improve auxiliary machine capacity utilization. These recommendations address factors such as equipment upkeep, operator training, scheduling, and system integration. Applying these recommendations can enhance capacity utilization, improve production efficiency, and increase revenue for BGI Ethiopia.



auxiliary machines, capacity utilization, downtime, factors affecting capacity utilization, root cause analysis.
