An Assessment on Credit Management Practices of Commercial Banks in Ethiopia: /The Case of Six Selected Private Commercial Banks/

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Now days, the need to take credit to do a business is getting increased. This is so because entrepreneurs and business men have good business ideas but do not have initial capital to make their business in to practice. Whenever lenders (banks) decide to grant a credit, they need to have credit management and method of collecting it. This research work, therefore, dealt with the `Credit Management practices’ of selected commercial banks. The general objective is, then, to assess the banks` credit management practices and method of collections by taking 2023 as a reference year. The research design of this paper work is descriptive. The sampling technique that the researcher used is that of non-probability using convenience and purposive sampling. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used. The data gathered from the field and document analysis were tabulated, organized and systematically demonstrated in the form of tables and graphs. The major research findings of this research work revealed that the overall mean score value of credit appraisal variable was very satisfactory that is most respondents strongly agree to the existing credit appraisal. Besides, the overall mean score value related to the variable collection policy andits strategy was satisfactory that is most respondents agree to the existing credit collection policy. Further, the overall mean score value of the variable credit lending policy and related strategies showed average level of satisfaction. The criteria to get a credit need to have either buildings or vehicles, with which the lower society could not afford. Thus, the researcher recommends original educational documents to be considered as collateral to get a loan. This piece of work could also open a way for further research works treating the topic in a very wide way by considering the views of credit customers.


