Assessing Factor Affecting Crew Job Performance: The Case of Ethiopian Airlines
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Addis Ababa University
The primary objective of the study is to examine factors affecting cabin crews’ job performance in Ethiopian Airlines. To this purpose the researcher has studied to analyze the effect of crew job
performance , the extent to which job performance measurement are aligned with training, motivation and working conditions. The research used quantitative research approach, a non-probability sampling technique which is purposive sampling technique, and used primary and secondary data collection methods. A five liker scales (Strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree) questionnaire was designed and used to examine all the factors of the cabin crew job performance. Total samples of 333 were selected and 325 valid responses were collected with approximately 98% of response rate. The statistical analysis of this study was done by SPSS software version 20. The result of the study shown in inference and descriptive analysis, in descriptive analysis tables, mean and standard deviations used and in inference analysis, the result of multiple linear regressions was analyzed; the result of multiple linear regressions was analyzed. The output of the regression analysis shows a value of 0.493 for working condition, 0.44 for training and 0.104 for motivation. Hence the findings implies that for every unit increase in the value of crew working condition, crew training and crew motivation, the value of the response variable crew job performance will increase by 49%, 44% and 10.4% for each independent variable respectively, setting all other predictor variable to be constant. Ethiopian Airlines has a better focus on these dimensions to bring a higher level of crew job performance and should emphasize the stable working condition, training and motivation of crew to increase the job performance.
Keywords: crew training, motivation and, working condition