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Item Assessment of Malaria and Intestinal Parasites as Public Health Problems Based on Clinical Record, Parasitological Surveys and Kap in Borena District, South Wollo, Central-North Ethiopia(2010-07) Bereded, Fentaw; Beyene, Petros(Professor)The analysis of retrospective clinical records from Mekane-Selam Health Center showed high average annual malaria (25.0%) and intestinal parasite prevalence (46.3%). In the cross-sectional survey, both direct wet mount and formal-ether concentration methods were used for microscopic diagnosis of intestinal parasites; malaria diagnosis was based on microscopic diagnosis of thin and thick Giemsa stained blood film. Accordingly, an overall prevalence of 24.5% intestinal parasite infections and 0.96% malaria parasite was determined. The intestinal parasites detected were E. histolyica/dispar (10.83%), A. lumbricoides (7.6%), G. lamblia (1.81%), hookworm (1.99%), H. nana (3.6%) and 0.9% each of E. vermicularis and S. stercoralis. Malaria infections were due to P. falciparum (0.38%) and P. vivax (0.58%). Multiple intestinal parasitic infections were common (12.5%). High prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was not in general significantly associated with the absence of toilet, source of drinking water, eating raw meat and open field disposal of household waste (P>0.05). Illiteracy and not washing hands before meal and after toilet use were shown to be associated with G. lamblia (OR=4.21, P=0.043; OR=9.06, P=0.001) and E. histolytica/dispar (OR=17.04, P=0.01; OR=5.104, P=0.001) infection. Relatively high awareness (78.1%) was detected among the heads of household about malaria and its preventive and control measures. Significant discrepancy in prevalence levels between the retrospective clinical record and the cross-sectional survey was observed for malaria. This is to be expected because the prevalence data of clinical records were obtained based on treatment seeking patients reporting to the Health Center. Furthermore, malaria control interventions such as the use of ITNs/LLINs, IRS and prompt treatment with ACT, based on RDT, appeared to have reduced malaria transmission in the study area. On the other hand, the deworming program reportedly under implementation in the study area does not seem to be effective since the prevalence of intestinal helminths remained too high. Therefore, the implementation of control intervention measures for malaria must continue as it is currently practiced and the geo-helminth control measures will require serious improvement in Borena District. Key words/phrases: Malaria, intestinal parasites, parasitic infection control, health, BorenaItem Assessment of Possible Tuberculous Lymphadenopathy by Xpert MTB/RIF Assay Compared to Non-Molecular Methods at St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia(2016-08) Fantahun, Mengistu; Gemechu, Tufa (PhD); Kebede, Abebaw; Mamuye, Yeshiwondem; Tadesse, MengistuBackground: There are nearly 9 million new cases and 2 million deaths from tuberculosis (TB) worldwide every year. The incidence of mycobacterial lymphadenitis has increased in parallel with the increase in the incidence of mycobacterial infection worldwide. TB lymphadenitis is seen in nearly 35 per cent of extra pulmonary TB which constituted about 15 to 20 % of all cases of TB. Extra pulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) is a significant health problem worldwide because of difficulties in its diagnosis and in monitoring its treatment, in which Tuberculous lymphadenitis (TBLN) is high prevalent. . However, no adequate information had been made available on the tuberculous lymphadenitis in Addis Ababa. To this effect, adequate knowledge on the prevalence and better diagnosis method is required. Objective: This study was aimed to determine the prevalence of TBLN and assesse diagnostic performance of laboratory methods in diagnosis of TBLN among presumptive TBLN patients at St. Paul’s hospital millennium medical college (SPHMMC). Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on tuberculosis lymphadenitis presumptive patients at SPHMMC from December 2015 to May 2016. Fine needle aspiration samples were collected from all TB lymphadenitis presumptive patients. Structured questioners were used to collect socio-demographic and clinical related data. Samples were screened for TB lymphadenitis using TB culture, cytomorphology, Xpert MTB/RIF assay and other staining techniques. The data were analyzed using software packages SPSS version 20 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, Illinois, USA). Negative predictive value, positive predictive value, sensitivity and specificity were calculated. Kappa value was calculated to see the presence of agreement. Chisquare test was done along with P-value to see the presence of associations. P-value less than 0.05 were considered as statistically significant and logistic regression analyses were used to see the association of different variables. Odds ratios and 95% confidence interval were computed to determine the presence and strength of association Result: Of the 152 TBLN presumptive cases, 103(67.8%) were positive for TBLN by FNAC examinations. On the other hand, only 44.7% were positive by mycobacterial culture and 24.3% cases were detected by Fluorescent microscopy (FM). ziehl Neelsen (ZN) was detected in 14.5% cases while 49.3% cases were positive for mycobacteria by Xpert MTB/RIF assay. Pus (AOR 9 0.082, 95% CI 0.030-0.228) and caseous (AOR 0.059, 95%CI 0.020-0.169) aspirates and Previous treatment was significantly associated with TBLN (AOR 0.113, 95% CI 0.031-0.407). The sensitivity of GenXpert compared to composite LJ culture was 78% (73.7-82.3) and specificity 74% (69.4-78.6). The sensitivity was 30.9% for ZN, 47% for FM and 94.1% for cytology compared to composite LJ culture. Cytology showed the lowest specificity (53.6%) but ZN revealed highest sensitivity 98.8% compared to composite culture. Cytology had 61.3% specificity and 87.8% sensitivity compared to against bacteriological methods. Among 49 cytological non-TBL cases, 10 were positive on GeneXpert. The highest agreement was observed between ZN and FM (k=0.69) and the lowest between FNAC and ZN (k=0.199). Conclusion: The results of this study revealed a high prevalence of TBLN in the study sites. TBLN is an important public health problem that needs to be addressed in the area. Types of aspirate and previous treatment were significantly associated with tuberculosis lymphadenitis. FNA cytology showed a relatively high sensitivity but a low specificity. Combining bacteriological methods with FNA cytology in an endemic region like Ethiopia improves the overall accuracy of the diagnosis of mycobacterial lymphadenitis, which in turn may lead to better patient management. Further prospective and advanced studies are recommended to determine the specific etiologic agents and contributing factors and Pathologists should be conscious of tuberculosis cases whenever they encounter enlarged lymph node with pus and/or causous aspirates to initiates immediate treatments. 10Item Comparison of Modified Papanicolaou and Dane-Herman Stain with Routine Hematoxylin and Eosin Stain for Demonstration of Keratin in Tissue Sections(Addis Ababa University, 2019-04) Sori, Moti; Bekuretsion, Yonas(MD, Associate Professor); Girma, Yonas(MD, Assistant Professor)Background: Keratins are intermediate filament forming proteins with specific physicochemical properties produced in any vertebrate epithelia. Having characteristic findings in many epithelial pathologies made them diagnostically important marker. Hematoxylin and Eosin(HE) stain, the routine dye, does not distinguish different eosinophilic components of connective tissue distinctly. On the other hand, special stains like modified Papanicolaou( Mod Pap) and Dane-Herman(D-H) stain can prove to be a simple solution to detect the presence and pattern of keratin histologically. Objectives: To compare modified Papanicolaou stain and Dane Herman stain with routine Hematoxylin and Eosin Stain for demonstration of keratin and also there basic staining characteristics on paraffin blocks tissue sections. Methodology: A total of 116 Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded(FFPE) tissue blocks were taken of known keratin containing tissue which included Squamous Cell Carcinoma(SCC), Squamous Papilloma, Verrucous Carcinoma and Odontogenic Keratocyst. The tissue blocks were retrieved from the archive of Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital(TASH), Department of Pathology. Three sections of 4µm thick tissue from each paraffin block were made and stained with HE, Mod PAP and D-H stains. Then the three stains were evaluated for Nuclear stain(NS), Cytoplasmic stain(CS), Uniformity of staining(US), Background stain(BS) and Keratin pattern(KP) by two pathologists. Finally, the third Senior pathologist was used as a tie breaker. Result: Mod PAP showed agreement with HE by showing Mc Nemar’s P value of 0.219 for NS, 0.727 for CS, 0.851 for US, 0.824 for BS and 1.00 for KP. Whereas D-H showed disagreement with HE for the first four parameters(P=0.000). But D-H showed agreement for KP. Thus, these results show that keratin was stained by D-H, Mod PAP and HE stains distinctly. Mod PAP stain showed similar result when compared with HE stain with parameters-NS, CS, US and BS. However, D-H stain showed statistically significant difference when crosschecked with HE stains. Special stains agreement were analyzed using McNemar as a statistical data tool, P< 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Conclusion: Mod PAP and D-H stains showed similar result for staining of keratin compared to HE stain. For the other four parameters Mod PAP showed an excellent result but not D-H.Item Correlation Between Morphology, Cytochemistry, and Flow Cytometry in the Diagnosis of Acute Leukemia at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2018: a Prospective Cross-Sectional Study(Addis Ababa University, 2018-03) Dessalegn, Kiyya; Ergete,