Browsing by Author "Seifu, Amera"
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Item Educational research practices of Bahir Dar university teachers: the case of education faculty(Addis Ababa Universty, 2004-06) Seifu, Amera; Asgedom, Amare(Ato)The study attempted to assess the trend of BDUEF teachers' practice from recent past to the present, and then indicates various suggestions to the future. Moreover, it evaluates the role of various factors in teachers' participation in educational research. 18 BOUEF teachers were participated in the study as a source of information. Their se lection was through snowball sampling. A qualitative case study was employed. The data was collected through interview, lOGO, pal1i cipant observation and document analys is. The study revea l cd th at amon g various personal factors teachers' knoll-Iedgc in educational resea l'c h has a strong positive /negat ive roles to influence other personal factors and then to direct the teachers towards/away frol11 educational research practi ces_ In fe\\' cases even without sa ti sfactory knowledge, sTrong inTe rest has a power to push teachers Towards edu cati ona l resea rch. Teachers' li eld of special iZ3tion has a strong relation with thei r partici pat ion in educational research. The BOUEF teachers who specialize in Education and Languagc Teaching participated ",e ll in educ'ational rescarch_ On the other hand years of teach ing experience andle,'el of qualification of teachers havc no a unique pos iti,-e or negative conTribution for the ir practice in edu caTional research_ or th~ '-arious instiTuTiolwl lactors, ine~llti\'cs lor Th~ re searchcrs hale sholl'n grcat contribution for teachc rs' practice in educaTi onal research_ IlolVcver, in STitutional factors ha,-e no a pecu li ar influence for educat ional resea rch prac tices_ Theil' role is thc same (or all types of research_ [,-en to some extent some in ST itutional faCTors (The library (ulkc•tiolh and intormation disseminatic)n aec~ sscs) arc ,UitClbk Ill!' ccltk'cnional rC:ieareh practic~, than otlKr r~_search~,_ The ,wel,- al'l) "Hind that. even thl\u~h iT I' Ill\( sallsLKton-. the [rend or t~achers' in'\ll\'enl~nt in educ'ational resedrch has sholl-n ill1pro,-c nlents I'rom the p"st to the prcsent. For further ill1prOVelllcnt of cclucallonal resea rch praC Ti ces of the BDUEF teachers. oriellling teachers in education in gcneral and in eduemional research in paniuilar. working research in-group. and illlpro"lng inccnti'-es for thc researchers are SOIllC of the po ints Illentioned by The inlorinanTs of rhe pre:ient sllIdy_ \Item Educational Research Practices of Bahir Dar University Teachers: the Case of Education Faculty(Addis Ababa University, 2004-05) Seifu, Amera; Asgedom, Amare (Associate Professor)The study attempted to assess the trend of BDUEF teachers' practice from recent past to the present, and then indicates various suggestions to the future. Moreover, it evaluates the role of various factors in teachers' participation in educational research. 18 BOUEF teachers were participated in the study as a source of information. Their se lection was through snowball sampling. A qualitative case study was employed. The data was collected through interview, lOGO , pal1i cipant observation and document analys is. The study revea l cd th at amon g various personal factors teachers' kn oll-Ied gc in educational resea l'c h has a strong positive /negat ive roles to influence other personal factors and then to direct the teachers towards/away frol11 educational research prac ti ces_ In fe\\' cases even without sa ti sfactory knowledge, sTrong inTe rest has a power to push teachers Towards edu cati ona l resea rch. Teachers' li eld of special iZ3tion has a strong relation with thei r partici pat ion in educational research. The BOUEF teachers who specialize in Education and Languagc Teaching participated ",e ll in educ'ational rescarch_ On the other hand years of teach ing experience andle,'el of qualification of teachers havc no a unique pos iti,-e or negative conTribution for the ir practice in edu caTional research_ or th~ '-arious instiTuTiolwl lactors, ine~llti\'cs lo r Th~ re searchcrs hale sholl'n grcat contribution for tea chc rs' practice in educaTi onal research_ IlolVcve r, in STitutional factors ha,-e no a pecu li ar influence for educat ional resea rch prac tices_ Theil' role is thc same (o r all types of re search_ [,-en to some extent some in ST itutional faCTors (The library (ulkc·tiolh and intormation disseminatic)n aec~ sscs) arc ,UitClbk Ill!' ccltk'cnional rC:ieareh practic~, than otlKr r~_search~,_ The ,wel,- al'l) "Hind that. even thl\u~h iT I' Ill\( sallsLKton-. the [rend or t~achers' in'\ll\'enl~nt in educ'ational res edrch has sholl-n ill1pro, -c nlents I'rom the p"st to the prc sent. For further ill1prOVelllcnt of cclucallonal resea rch praC Ti ces of the BDUEF teachers. oriellling teachers in education in gcneral and in eduemional research in paniuilar. working research in-group. and illlpro"lng in ccnti'-es for thc researchers are SOIllC of the po ints Illentioned by The inlorinanTs of rhe pre:ient sllIdyItem Student Teachers’ Reflective Learning Practices Within Secondary School Teacher Education Curriculum Implementation Processes At Bahir Dar University(Addis Ababauniversity, 2016-08) Seifu, Amera; Asgedom, Amare (Phd)In this study attempts were made to explore student teachers’ reflective learning practices by taking levels and forms of reflection into account. It was also planned to examine whether or not teacher education curriculum implementation processes were facilitative for student teachers reflective learning practices through examining different actors’ involvement. Qualitative case study was the design of the study. Eight purposively selected student teachers (3 females and 5 males) and four teacher educators (1 female and 3 males) were participating in the study. Multiple data gathering instruments such as interview, observations and document analysis were employed. Analysis and interpretation were made following multiple qualitative case study design with the application of pattern matching, case-by-case and then inter-case analysis technique. Accordingly, the following major findings were obtained. In general terms, even though student teachers were good enough in conceptualizing the theoretical frames of learning and reflective learning practices, their status in reflective learning practice is found to be in its descriptive level and theoretical type of reflections. They were less-engaged in the productive and higher level (e.g. critical reflection) and practical type of reflection. This informed that student teachers’ reflective learning practices were below the expected standards. Of the three levels of reflection fixed in this study, descriptive level of reflection stood first and followed by comparative level of reflection with rare occurrence of critical level of reflection. In contrast, student teachers sometimes were being totally non-reflective particularly in their practical learning engagements such as in teaching practices and examination responses. In terms of forms of reflection, student teachers did better on reflection-on-action than reflection-in-action, which indeed was better than how on reflection-for-action, was practiced. The process of curriculum implementation, in general, was theory-focused and close-ended which did not as such facilitative and encouraging student teachers’ towards reflective learning practices especially for practical type of reflection. Except the curriculum materials, as a document, which were taken as an opportunity, the other actors (teacher educators, student teachers, and management body) of curriculum implementation processes were not supportive enough to facilitating reflective learning practices. In view of the findings, this study suggests that the teacher education management system in general and teacher educators in particular should encourage student teachers towards reflective learning practices by designing and delivering mainly open-ended and practice-focused contents/tasks and of course through initiating self-critiques, critiques among professional colleagues and student teachers as well. This can be realized with informed consent and positive mindset of the management body, the teacher educators and student teachers about reflective teacher education paradigm