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Item Assessment of the Human Resource Planning Recruitment and Selection Practices and Challenges in Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation(Addis Ababa University, 2011-04) Oda, Sisay; Yimam, Melaku (PhD)The main purpose of this study is to assess the practice of the Human Resource Planning (HRP), external recruitment and selection practice of Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC), and to identify challenges regarding these functions and to recommend solutions. In order to achieve this objective, survey research method was employed and both Primary and secondary data were used in this research. The primary data were collected through questionnaires and semi structured interview and the secondary data were collected from the respective work unites who are in a position to provide documents like human resource policy manual, various forms and other necessary documents required for this study purpose. This study had been selected ETC head office as a sample study area and employees at the head office were classified in to two exclusive groups as managerial and non managerial staff. Moreover, from each stratum, two hundred ninety two employees were selected through random sampling technique. Next, interview with the training and development division manager of ETC was made and questionnaires were distributed to the selected employees in order to get relevant data about the corporation 's HRP, recruitment and selection practice. Results obtained were analyzed using average index and percentage. Thus, the result of the study indicated that environmental analysis conducted for the HRP purpose has not been done in scientific and appropriate manner. Forecasting techniques to estimate HR demand and supply in the process HRP didn't undertaken properly. ETC didn't possess qualified HR professionals and Human Resource Information System (HRIS) in order to handle effective HRP activity. Most of the HRP activities not undertaken in line with the policy stated. There was no succession planning practice in ETC. Lack of interviewers competency, lack of providing clear information for job applicants about examination date and place after the registration, lack of checking reference from previous employers of the new applicant were some of the factor that hinder the HRP, recruitment selection practice of ETC. Accordingly, developing and maintaining competent HR professionals to handle the HRP process, developing multi dimensional and regular environmental assessment practice, utilization of computerized HRP system and quantitative based employee forecasting methods, putting succession planning in place, minimized time taken selection process and unnecessary long wait, practicing background and reference checking's, enhancing the interviewers skills by giving them training are potentially recommended to tackle the problem of the corporation by the researcher.Item Exploring the Experiences of Massage Parlor Sex Workers of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2016-05) Oda, Sisay; Mengsteab, Mesele(PhD)This study was done with the purpose of understanding the experience of massage parlor sex workers who work in massage parlors of Addis Ababa. The participants were twelve massage parlor sex workers. For the successful attainment of the research, qualitative research method was employed. Data were organized, analyzed and presented in six clusters. In line with these, the clusters were contained, causes that predisposed women to become sex workers, factors that attract them to remain in sex work, their common customers, their attitude toward their customers, the effect of their work on the society and the importance of the work group for the sex workers. Findings of the study showed that most of the respondents face early sexual abuse, first sexual intercourse at the age below 18 years and had many sexual partners at an early age. The majority of the research participants also disclosed that they remain working in the parlor due to the reasons like best earning compared with other establishments, companionship and helping others. The other major finding is most of their customers are married men. In line with this, the majority of the workers believed that their services as beneficial to the institution of marriage. Towards their attitude to customers, the majority of the respondents have positive attitude toward their customers. Finally in line with the implications of the finding, the researcher concluded that in the near future employment in this semi-brothels flourish in large and medium cities of the country. So as to control its expansion in breadth and width, the following recommendation and policy implications are forwarded. Among others, the concerned government organ should clearly establish a policy regarding the requirements to open legal massage parlors and systematically discourage the new opening requests by increasing the licensing fee and by setting other administrative sanctions. With regard to the existing quasi brothels, since they are typically exist below the thresholds of both state and public visibility, these premises are out of sight and out of mind and not only well escape taxation but also discard the legal parlors that provide legal massage service. Therefore strict follow up and judiciary sanctions as well as criminal measures should be followed. Finally, as a general recommendation, among others, the immediate practical solution to reduce the impact of prostitution on the community markedly, both judiciary prohibitions and social work interventions should be practiced. This is because, if we practice jurisdiction only, the actual problem becomes increasingly a judicial problem, as more and more of the problem is regulated through laws. Therefore social work interventions have also largely been devised to focus on minimizing harmful effects as well as getting women leave “the life”Item Exploring the Experiences of Massage Parlor Sex Workers of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2016-05) Oda, Sisay; Mengesteab, Messele (PhD)This sludy was done with Ihe purpose of underslanding Ihe experience of massage parlor sex workers who work in massage parlors of Addis Ababa. The participanls were Iwelve massage parlor sex workers. For the successfid atlainmel7l of Ihe research, qualilative research melhod was employed. Dala were organized, analyzed and presenled in six cluslers. In line wilh Ihese, Ihe clusters were conlained, callses Ihat predisposed women 10 become sex workers, factors Ihat allract Ihem 10 remain in sex ."ork, their common cuslomers, their allilude IowaI'd Iheir cuslomers, the effecl of Iheir work on Ihe society and the imparlance of Ihe work group for Ihe sex workers. Findings of Ihe sllldy showed Ihal 1I10st of Ihe respondenls face early sexual abuse, firsl sexual inlercourse at Ihe age be/ow 18 years and had many sexual parlners al an early age. The majorily oflhe research parliclpanls also disclosed Ihallhey remain working in Ihe parlor due 10 Ihe reasons like best earning compared wilh olher eSlablishmenls, companionship and helping olhers. The olher major finding is most of Iheir cuslomers are married men. In line wilh Ihis, Ihe majority of Ihe workers believed Ihal Iheir sen'ices as benefiCial to Ihe inslilulion of marriage. Towards Iheir allilude 10 cuslomers, Ihe majority of the respondents have positive atlilude IowaI'd Iheir cUSlomers. Finally in line wilh the implicalions of Ihe finding, Ihe researcher concluded thaI in Ihe near fillure employmenl in Ihis semi-brolhelsf/ourish in large and medium cilies of the counfly. So as 10 conlrol ils expansion in breadlh and widlll, the following recommendalion and policy implicalions are forwarded. Among olhers, Ihe concerned government organ should clearly eSlablish a policy regarding Ihe requiremenls 10 open legal massage parlors and systemalically discourage Ihe new opening requesls by increasing Ihe licensing fee and by selling olher adminislralive sanClions. Wilh regard 10 Ihe exisling quasi brolhels, since Ihey are Iypically exisl below Ihe Ihresholds of bOlh slale and public visibility, Ihese premises are out of sigh I and oW ofmind and nOI only well escape laxalion bUI also discard Ihe legal parlors thaI provide legal massage service. Therefore slricl follow lip and judiciCilY sanclions as well as criminal measures should be followed. Finally, as a general recommendation, among olhers, Ihe immediale praclical solulion 10 reduce Ihe impact of prOSlilUlion on Ihe communily markedly, bOlh judiciclIY prohibilions and social work inlervenlions should be practiced. This is because, if we practice jurisdiclion only, Ihe aclual problem becomes increasingly a judicial problem, as more and more of Ihe problem is regulaled Ihrough laws. Therefore social work inlerventions have also largely been devised 10 focus on minilllizing harmful effecls as well as gelling wOlllenlecn'e "lhe life ".