Browsing by Author "Nigatu, Samuel"
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Item The Effect Of Project Managers’ Competence On Project Success: The Case Of Ethiopian Airlines Group(Addis Ababa University, 2019-07) Nigatu, Samuel; Markos, Solomon(PhD)This research examined the effect of competency of project managers on project success in Ethiopian Airlines Group. To achieve the objective of the research, the study used a quantitative research method and explanatory research design. Data for the assessment were obtained from 43 selected respondents (project managers) from three different sections through a five point Likert scale-based questionnaire. Analyses were done based on three competency variables – knowledge, skill, and attitude. Results revealed that Pearson correlation among project managers’ competencies are moderate to high, correlation among project’s success elements are also moderate to high, and correlation between project managers’ competencies and project success are also high to very high. Regression analysis results also showed that all the three project manager competency variables have strong effect/impact on project success, skill has the highest impact followed by knowledge and finally attitude having significant impact. There was 82.0 % change in project success attributed to the combined effect of the independent variables in the model (Knowledge, Skill and Attitude). Overall, project manager competency has strong effect on project success, which means that high project manager competency is likely to bring about higher level of project success. Though the research findings are valuable, limitations in terms of a case of one company only and the use of just some variables may increase risk of respondent bias. Future studies, in order to avoid these limitations, can extend their scope to include a number and range of organizations and more competency variablesItem Problems and Constraints of Urban Agriculture in Addis Ababa: A case study of Cooperatives in Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-City(Addis Ababa University, 2009-07) Nigatu, Samuel; Hassen, Ali (PhD)'the paper (ll!cmpls 10 find out [hose factors thaI threaten {he pror/IiClivily ant! S/fccess (~f" IIr/ulII agriculture carried out by the cooperatives ill Addis Ababa frol1l the perspective (~l 1)J'Ul'is!(/1/ I~l agricull:!ra/ inputs; peljormance of illS/iluliollS that (lrc selllp 10 assiSf urhllll Jan/le.:,.S: v rgai!lzaliolla/ and administrative arrangements of the cooperatives themselves: lIIorkt'liJll; ,.c1(/h'(~ issues of agricultural products,' as }vell as environmelltal COl/cerll.\' linked (0 /clrlllilig (luil 'ilie\' undertaken by the cooperatives. For this purpose cooperatil'es I/W( are located ill N~((ls silk- /.l~ll() sub-city are selected. III the study area there are 45 cooperatives ellgaged ill diflerelll killds of' urban agriculture i.e., vegetable productioll, fatten ing, dailY cow, as I-veil as pOlIlll:V productioll. 011'-: vegetatioll, 12 dairy cow, seven jallelling, two pOllltl )" alld aile pOllltl)' (lilt! riairl' ('Ii\!' producing cooperatives are selected as samples. From each cooperative 20 % o/mclllbL'ls. (/ /u la! of 80 individuals are selected using simple ralldolll samplillg technique. Frolll (he disCIISsi(}II.\ dnd Gliaiysis with members oj the cooperatives it has been Jound 0111 Iha/ rhe lJIajor prohh.:'IIIS {h(/( ii//eC! the cuoperatives are; physical cOils/rain Is manifested thruugh lack of access I() lalld IIDII'}", as '.-\:e!/ as shortage of llIodern agricultural inputs such as forage, jerrih=er, veferillm:\" H'/Tin': iusii/lafollal problems illciz:ding less at/elltioll to urban agriclIlllIre evidellced througli allonlliJlg /OIV budget to tlte sector ill terms of finance, human and lIIoterial resources. ahsf..'I/C/' urbol/ agriculture policy, failure to give (rainillg (0 farmers alld illadequatefollolV IfP e{c. The p/"l)hl('lJ/s or lite urban agriculture cooperatives stem also from organizational Iveaknesses of tile cou/)erl/l in '.\ themselves_ Tltese ill elude; weak cllltllre o.(workillg togetlter, absellce oIle{/dersliip 'flllliin-, luel. or Jkill. 2xtra job, drop out etc. The cooperatives are also sufferillg .li·om luck (~r J/wrke!illg 1}/lICl' {() delflOf:stratc (!!/r! sell their agricultural products. This ill 1111"11 made [hell! sl/scl.!plihfLo In llli' ::.rp/uifdtioJ; of 1.1 II ddl2 111 £ 11 thai distort the price. The other big problem ill {his regurd is SL'lIs(J J/, t/ jlil!~/l.lali:'JJl i ll dei/Wild of agricultural products. This is highly related Wifh Ihe religion alld clllt lll"al .rJrG'c!ice of residellts of tfte city. The IJIqjority of dwellers oIlhe CifY {Ire fo//oHlers {!/ r',/iiUjl/(/1/ Orthodo ...... Church 'who abstain Jrom eating livestock prodllcts during fasting tillle. /J ecal/se of (h i . the demand for livestock products is extremely 10lV whereas the demalldofvegelahlc ! ... (HIIII .l .• • s high iil lillie of/astillg period III teres tingly, tlte opposite I/Oids true dllrillg IlUlida)'s IIlId IUil/ jil.\lill.~ ]J2r i uris. COIl'ieqll<.!I! !IYJ 11I0st of the cooperatives are lVorking belolV thei,. Irlft! pOft!nti(/1 (llId .\()/II i.' are ill deluge,· o!terlll;natillg tht? business. This ill tllrnluwers the provisioll oIagriculflfral prodll ("( \' il , the .-.:f(v uud result in higher price and to some extent cOlltributes 10 IlllelllploYIII C!1I1 {~( {h OSl 'l1gaged hI the seCior .