Browsing by Author "Mengistu, Kibrom"
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Item The Psychos Cial Effects of Sexual Abuse on Children(Addis Ababa University, 2007-07) Mengistu, KibromThi , tll(~\ attempt to a e the p ycho, 'ocial effect· of sexual abuse on children, sampled FOIn Addi Ababa. The , tudy is eros '-sectional, non-experimental. Sample ,,.ere s I cfed u ing purpo ive sampling technique and data were gathered using both qllulifUf/l'(! and quantitalive method: in-depth interview guide, Scales (PT. 'D, Anxiety and Emofional Di tre ). The gathered quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistic (percentage) and the 'onducted ca e tudie were qualitatively analyzed by using the journal entitled: Long term and Immediate Impacts of CSA. The results indicated that sexually abused 1'ictil17. surfer a lot of psychological and ocial con 'equences of the violence. These problems include increa ed anxieLy, high emotional distress, more symptoms of PTSD, lowered selfe teem. guilt, shame, depression, lack of trust, betrayal, aggressive beha1 ior ·. hatred, anger, social withdrawal or isolation, helplessness, hopelessness, selfhumiliation, exual dysfunction, addiction, suicide, passiviLy, dissOCiation, less or no intimate relation hip, fear, etc. The majoriLy of their non-offending parents also developed en e of fear, guilt, shame, anxiety, betrayal. shock, isolation, social intemctiol7 problems, etc. The severity of the effects of SA depend on who i doing the abuse-the context, the manner of the abuse-the nature, and how long the abu e goes onthe duration. Fina/~y, ha ed on the observed problems of the victims and the findings of the study, recommendations were forwarded focusing on disclosure/reporting, prevention and treatment strategies, and legal aspects .Item The Psychosocial Effect of Sexual Abuse on Children(Addis Ababa University, 2007-07) Mengistu, KibromThis s/lId v attempts 10 assess Ihe psychosocial effecis of sexual abuse on children, sampl ed li mn Addis Ababa. The sludy is cross-seclional, non-experimental. Samples were .I·e/ecled using purposive sampling technique and dala were gathered us ing bot h 'i l/ al il a fl re and 'Iuantitative melhuds: in-depth imervieH! guide, Scales (PTSD, Anxiety and Emu/ ional Distress). The galhered quantitative da la were analyzed by using descriptive statistics (percentage) and Ihe conducted case studies were qualitatively analyzed by using Ihe journal entitled: Long ter m and immediate impacts of CSA. The resulls indicated thai sexually abused \'iclims s ilfrer a 101 of psychological and social consequences of the violence. These problems include increased anxiety, high emotional distress. more symptoms of PTSD, lowered selfesleem, guilt, shame, depression, lack of trust, betrayal, aggressive behaviors. hatred. anger, social wi thdrawal or isolation. helplessness, hopelessness, self humilia lion, sexual dysjimction , addiclion, suicide, passivity, dissociation, less or no inlimal" relationship, fear, etc. The majorily of Iheir non-offending parenls also de veloped sense of fear, guill. shame, anxiely. belrayed. shock. isolation. social inl ew c/ion jlI'oh/ems. elc. The se verily oflhe effects orCSA depends on who is doing the abuse- lile conlexl, the manner of Ihe abuse-Ihe nalure, and how long Ihe abuse goes on Ih e dll rO lio l1. Finally, hased on the observed problems of the vict ims and the findings of the study, recomm endations were forwarded focusing on disclosure/ reporting, prevention and Ir ealme nl siralegies. and legal aspects.