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Item Involvement of Secondary School Teachers in Action Research: The Case of Misrak Goh Secondary School(Addis Ababa Univerisity, 2013-06) Mekebib, Solomon; Jabbisa, Firdissa(PhD)The principal purpose of this study was to understand the involvement of high school teachers in educational action research in Misrak Goh. The study further investigates the major impediment faced by teachers to undertake research activities. To realize these objectives, data were collected from Misrak Goh secondary school teachers, school director and kirkos- sub city education officer through in depth interview, observation and document analysis. The participants were purposively selected based on their roles, responsibilities, exposure to research works and cooperativeness. The participants were interviewed using open-ended; semi-structured and structured questions in conversational style. As is true for most qualitative case studies, the data were presented in narrative forms based on the participants’ understanding and interpretation in addition to my own reflective analysis. The findings revealed that the status of research activities was marginal. Only finger counted teachers were participated in research works. Most teachers were de-motivated to involve in research endeavors due to absence of any form of incentive from the school and mainly due to the discontinuation of teachers’ promotion (career structure). This was due to the fact that participation in research was one of the performance evaluation criteria of teachers to be promoted. Hence, the issue being mentioned would come true when teachers are encouraged, motivated to involve in a scientific ways of alleviating problems. Accordingly, provision of due attention from concerned bodies such as policy makers, and other shall come into effect so as to curb the problem.Item Involvement of Secondary School Teachers in Action Research: The Case of Misrak Goh Secondary School(Addis Ababa University, 2013-06) Mekebib, Solomon; Jabbisa, Firdissa (PhD)T he prin cipal purpose of this study was to under stand I"he ill voh"rlll cill (If hi gh school tea ch ers ill edll ca l'iollal ae lion l'esc,He" ill \ li s r" k Coil. 1'1 ,,· s tlldy furth er ill ves tiga les t" e major illip eci illl c ill fa ced I" Ipa c- Ill'rs 10 undertake r esea rch activities. To r ealize t hese objectives, cia I a 'I"(~ r,~ collected from /(israk Goh secondary sc hoo l teach ers, sch oo l director ami kirkos- sub city edu cation officer t hrou gh in d epth illl"erv ipw, ohS('r"" I' ioll a lld do cume llt a nal ysis. The pani cipa lll"s were pnrpos ive lv sr lr C' l"rd h"srri 0 11 th eir roles, res pon sibilities .. ex pos urc 10 resnl r .. l, 'links ,,, ,, I cooperativeness, The participaJlts were inl er\' ie,,'ed II s illg upe ll- elllled : semi-s l:rll ctured a nd structllred qu es l' ioll s ill cO ll ve rsatiulla l s l yle, _\ s is 11'11 " for most qualitative case stlldies, the data were prescIll"ed ill lIaJ'l'ati,'(' forms b ased on the participants' unde rstanding and illi erpretal" ion ill addition to m y own r efl ective analysis. The findings reveal ed I hal I "f' status of r esearch activities was marginal. Only fin ge r C'o lllli rd 1'('a('I,('I's were parli cipated in resea rch \-\"orks. ]\lo sl tcac l, e rs \\('1"1' d" - Illoli,al l'd 10 inv olve ill resear ch endeavors due to absence of any [ol"ln of ill ec lli i, '(' 1"1"0111 - th e school and ma inly du e to t he di sconlillilati o ll of 1I'Item Involvement of Secondary School Teachers in Action Research: The Case of Misrak Goh Secondary School(Addis Ababa University, 2013-06) Mekebib, Solomon; Jabbisa, Firdissa (PhD)The principal purpose of this study was to understand the involvement of high school teachers in educational action research in Misrak Goh. The study further investigates the major impediment faced by teachers to undertake research activities. To realize these objectives, data were collected from Misrak Goh secondary school teachers, school director and kirkos- sub city education officer through in depth interview, observation and document analysis. The participants were purposively selected based on their roles, responsibilities, exposure to research works and cooperativeness. The participants were interviewed using open-ended; semi-structured and structured questions in conversational style. As is true for most qualitative case studies, the data were presented in narrative forms based on the participants’ understanding and interpretation in addition to my own reflective analysis. The findings revealed that the status of research activities was marginal. Only finger counted teachers were participated in research works. Most teachers were de-motivated to involve in research endeavors due to absence of any form of incentive from the school and mainly due to the discontinuation of teachers’ promotion (career structure). This was due to the fact that participation in research was one of the performance evaluation criteria of teachers to be promoted. Hence, the issue being mentioned would come true when teachers are encouraged, motivated to involve in a scientific ways of alleviating problems. Accordingly, provision of due attention from concerned bodies such as policy makers, and other shall come into effect so as to curb the problem