Browsing by Author "Kifle, Yimer (PhD)"
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Item Major Themes in the Works Of Four Ethiopian Women Writers(Addis Ababa University, 2000-05) Kifle, Napoleone; Kifle, Yimer (PhD)The purpose of this paper is to examine themes women poets convey in their work. The four women writers who are considered under these study are Aregash Seifu, Firmaye Alemu, Mekedes .J emberu, and Senayt Aberra. Their poems are found in the anthology of poem entitled. The four women writers have written their poems depending on their individual experience, temperament, and their view of life. The majority of their poem subj ects are drawn ti'om the ord inary social life of the Ethiopian people. The four writers have commonly touched the subject of love. They have great reverence fo r the issue of love. As each of them have di fferent social background and experience, they seem to lack common frame of reference to expl ain it. As regard the moral question, they have clearl y stated the deteri orating moral condi tion and the general abj ect poverty th at prevail in the country. It seems the four writers are not generally happy with th e way things are in the country at present. As a result, they have voiced their concern and blatantly pointed out their bitter and critica l social comment. The Ibur women accept the uni versa l law of life th at upholds contradi ction to be an inherent fea ture of all phenomena in the uni verse. Their attitude toward Ii fe is based on the principle of to lerance and optimism taking hope as a beckoning li ght.In their individua l work, the theme of woman subjugation is reflected in the works of Aregash and Mekedes have touched on the pos ition of women in the society and how they suffer due to the traditional and cu ltural practice. Firmay elaborated on the lack of se lf- respect and personal integrity the society shows by displaying unnatural behavior primari ly to be on good terms in the day-to-day social relations at home and in public. Senayt stresses on the necessity of moderate li ving. To conclude, in male dominated literary tradition of the country the four women writers have shown their intellectual competence.Item The Novels of Shitto Mezgebu: A Psychoanalytic Analysis(Addis Ababa University, 2000-06) Zelealem, Mengistu; Kifle, Yimer (PhD)This research, from its inception, was designed to exam me two novels by Shinto Mealybug from a psychoanalytic perspective. The main intention was to test applicability of this theory of criticism to literary works so that the gap currently existing in the area of literary studies could be bridged. Before embarking on the analysis and interpretation of the novels, I have gone through the following procedures. Initially, I selected my problem, thereby identifying the personality theories, methods, and models to be used for psychoanalytic analysis as they were postulated by Sigmund Frend, the discoverer of the unconscious and father of psychoanalysis. I also managed to obtain, the author's biographical or semi-biographical accounts from periodicals (magazines), daily press and book reviews which gave me a substantial and reliable aid in my analysis and interpretation in chapter four. During the course of the research the following personality traits (psychological conflicts) have been identified and analysed. The first personality traits is deviousness. In this regard, the seven episodes taken out of the two novels have shown that the authors devious behaviour might have been aimed at provoking the public response or deserving attention and reassurance. The second personality identified was related to approach-avoidance conflict and vacillating tendency. The four episodes taken more or less justified that the author's motives at times exhibited undecideds and her reactions undifferentiated.This research, from its inception, was designed to exam me two novels by Shinto Mealybug from a psychoanalytic perspective. The main intention was to test applicability of this theory of criticism to literary works so that the gap currently existing in the area of literary studies could be bridged. Before embarking on the analysis and interpretation of the novels, I have gone through the following procedures. Initially, I selected my problem, thereby identifying the personality theories, methods, and models to be used for psychoanalytic analysis as they were postulated by Sigmund Frend, the discoverer of the unconscious and father of psychoanalysis. I also managed to obtain, the author's biographical or semi-biographical accounts from periodicals (magazines), daily press and book reviews which gave me a substantial and reliable aid in my analysis and interpretation in chapter four. During the course of the research the following personality traits (psychological conflicts) have been identified and analysed. The first personality traits is deviousness. In this regard, the seven episodes taken out of the two novels have shown that the authors devious behaviour might have been aimed at provoking the public response or deserving attention and reassurance. The second personality identified was related to approach-avoidance conflict and vacilating tendency. The four episodes taken more or less justified that the author's motives at times exhibited undecidedness and her reactions undifferentiated.The third personality trait is related to pessimistic outlook towards life. The six episodes analysed seem to prove that the author very often expressed loss of taste for everything in sarcastic and pessimistic tones. The fourth personality trait identified was the obsessive - compulsive disorder. It is said to have a religious background, because the infinite episodes taken out of the novels are all depicting this fa ct. Lastly, the analysis of the two novels also revealed the likelihood that the author has been orally fixated and manifested an Electra-complex.Item The Portrayal of Women in Dhaabaa's Selected Oromo Prose Fiction(Addis Ababa University, 2004-06) Egere, Teshome; Kifle, Yimer (PhD)This study is an attempt to analyze the portrayal of women in Dhaabaa Wayyeessaa's selected pro se fiction . A s discussed in the introduction part and the first section of the second chapter, creative writing in Oromo language is t h e recent phenome no n . Besides , almost no a s rious study as faras the researcher knows , is undertaken in the works under discussion. More specifically , the portrayal of women in these works has not been touched upon . Therefore , exa mining ho w wome n are portrayed in these selected prose fiction arises from this fact. In this study , three Oromo prose fiction of Dhaabaa, which a re believed to be thematically important are select ed for analysis. This thes is is divided into four chapters. The first chapter deals with the background of the study, the reason why the texts are selected, the objectives , scope and methods of the stud y. Chapter two discusses two aspects. The first o ne is assessing th e historical overview of O romo creat ive wri tin g. Second ly , it discusses the theoretical frameworks of femini st lite rary criti c is m from glob al and black co ntexts. The third chapter cri ti ca ll y exa m ines the diverse p rob lems of wo men characte rs based on th e te xts a nd interv ie ws co ndu cted regarding Gumu z wo men . In th e former's reg ard , how a sin glecharacter passes thro ugh both positi ve and n egative stereotype s is examin ed i.e. a nalyzing in detail of how a female character is depicted as victim of m ale violence , object of sex and marriage by exchange , home lessness , poverty and at ti mes exe rcis es her own agency in changing her life. Moreover, responses from the intervie w c ondu cted are also used to support the evidence from the text. This is done to cross check to what extent the author depicts the female characters in the text Gurraacha Abbayyaa for its setting is in Gumuz ethnic group and the author is an Oromo. In the last chapter a brief conclusion based on the analysis is given. Lastly, the appendix, which presents the full text of the interview conducted with selected Gumuz people, is attached . In the study most women characters are depicted to be the victims of male violence, homelessness, poverty and subordination. On the other hand, some of these women characters are revealed as agents that exercise their power, determination and courage either to overcome or get rid of the oppression or burden imposed on them.