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Item Analysis of Reading Activities: The Case of Grade 11 text Book.(Addis Ababa University, 2015-05) Gadebo, Paulos; Hailu, Alemu (PhD)The main target of this study was to analyze the reading activities of grade 11 currently in use English textbook. Moreover, the study focused on the different kinds of reading activities and in which question types or tasks it was designed. The subjects of the study were 60 students from four sections (i.e, from each section 15 students selected) and four English teachers from grade 11, enrolled in 2006E.C. academic year. Then, the researcher were selected the subjects or students by random sampling and four grade 11 teachers in purposively selecting method. To obtain data, the researcher used textbook analysis, students’ questionnaire, and teachers’ interview. The data collected by using these tools were analyzed by frequencies of the tasks/activities in newly revised grade 11 English textbook. In relation to this, textbook data and teachers’ interview were analyzed qualitatively whereas students’ questionnaire analyzed in quantitative method of description. The major findings of the study was to show the variety and flexibility of the reading activities such as how the reading activities were presented and/or distributed in the textbook and in which type of questions did they constructed. For example, reading for: details, main ideas, word-attack skills, information transfer skills, predicting skill were designed below average. Next to this, reading for: overall idea, references, relating to their own idea, designed in moderate ways that help readers in developing the reading skills of the language. On the other hand, reading for: specific information and inferences stated more than average and both help the learners for selective reading purpose and for deducing or generalizing the text by using inference so as to understand the intention of the writer. Finally, based, on the insights obtained from the findings of the study, certain remedial suggestions such as what kinds of activities should be included in the textbook, emphasis of comprehension questions that designed in connection to the expected goals; developing reading skills have been stated.Item An Analysis of The Structure of Group Writing Activities in Grade 11 English Textbook(Addis Ababa University, 2009-06) Yibre, Mohammed; Hailu, Alemu (PhD)The main purpose of the present study was to analyze to what extent the pair/ group work writing activities in the currently in use grade 11 English textbook were well structured or organized in a way that they could promote CLL. To this end, the pair/group work writing activities were identified and analyzed based on the six basic elements of the CLL. In addition, interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with teachers and students. Classroom observations were also conducted to see the actual implementation of the pair/ group work writing activities suggested in the textbook. Findings of the study show that less weight is given to the pair/group work writing activities compared to that of the non-group work writing activities in the textbook. The promotion of most of the basic elements of CLL in the designed pair/ group work writing activities is limited to only the pre-writing stage. It has been found that only few of the pair/group work writing activities require and encourage learners to work cooperatively at drafting and revising stages of writing. It is also noted that no pair/group work writing activities in the textbook promotes processing group interaction. Further more, the results of the study show that learners are mostly engaged in interactions at the pre-writing stage, and pair/group work writing activities are usually given as home take assignment because of time constraints. There is no practice of evaluating the group relationships after CLL. It is, therefore, recommended that textbook developers should consider incorporating the six basic elements of CLL in each stage of writing to structure or organize pair/group work writing activities in preparing materials.Item Assessment of Instructional Pauses in College English Classes: Aau in Focus(Addis Ababa University, 2006-06) Tigistu, Kassahun; Hailu, Alemu (PhD)The aim of thi s study is to make an assessment on teachers' awareness and use/implementation of the different kinds of pauses in classroom instruction . For the purpose of categorizing instructional pauses, the present study has made use of Stahl 's (1994) category as a framework. Accordingly, the following eight kinds of instru ctional pauses are assessed in th is study: pauses following teachers' questions, pauses within students' responses, pauses following students' response, pauses in students' selfin itiated statement/comment, pause during teachers' lesson presentation , pause while students work on tasks, pauses deliberately made by teachers, and pauses to create cognitive\affective impact on classroom environment. The study is done on EFL classes at tertiary level. Particularly, College English classes of the freshman (2005/2006) program at AAU are the settings of the present study. The study fo llows an observational approach with the help of video camera. A questionnaire, for sampled teachers, is also used as a tool for data collection. First, the whole lesson was recorded and th oroughly viewed. Later, taking the duration of the eight kinds of instructional pauses into account, the lesson was transcribed and tabulated for the analysis. Then, the obtained time duration at different instructional places were examined against the standard time stated in the literature. The investigation shows that teachers are not conscious and skillful on the pauses to occu r at different place/time of instructional setting. Contrary to the literature, the pauses in teachers' instruction are not extended as they are supposed to be i.e. three to five seconds on average. The different categories of silent period within and between verbal behaviors of teachers and students are immensely manifested lasting only for brief moments of zero to two seconds. Thus, the study, in general shows that both teachers and students are not beneficiaries of the potential learning and teaching benefits to be obtained from extended pauses at appropriate classroom instructional setting.Item EFL Learning Strategy Use: The Case of Male and Female Preparatory Students(Addis Ababa University, 2008-06) Abebe, Endaweke; Hailu, Alemu (PhD)The purpose of this study was to identify EFL learning strategy use of male and female students. The focus was to attain the type and range of strategy they use and frequency level thereby to assess the differences/similarities in using the EFL learning strategies by male and female students. To this end, one hundred (44 male and 56 female) students were selected using stratified sampling technique. To measure students’ Language learning strategy, Oxford’s Strategy Inventory Language Learning (SILL) was employed with modification. The modified self report questionnaire with 40-items prepared and administered to all selected students. In addition, interview was conducted with ten percent of the target population. Data obtained through the questionnaire were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version-13. The descriptive statistics such as mean values, standard deviations, percentages and Independent T-test were considered in discussion. During discussion, data obtained through the self report questionnaire were cross checked using the data obtained through interviews. Results of the study show that females use more often the three main language learning strategies among the six language learning strategy than their male counterpart. An Independent sample T test shows that there was no significant difference between male and female in using the six main language learning strategies.Item An Evaluation of the Design and Implementation of Grammar Practice A ctivities/ Exercises in Grade Nine(Addis Ababa University, 2009-06) Mammo, Tadele; Hailu, Alemu (PhD)The main objective of this study was to investigate the extent to which the grammar practice activities/ exercises in grade nine English textbook (Revised edition, 2005) are designed and utilized in such a way that they meet the principles of communicative language teaching ( or the objectives of teaching English at grade nine). in other words, the pUipose was to see the extent to which the grammar practice exercises are communicative or interactive. The study was particularly targeted at analyzing and evaluating the grammar practice activities/ exercises using the criteria: their relevance to the objectives of teaching English at grade nine, their suitability to students' interest and level, the emphasis given to the aspects of grammar (i.e. form, meaning and use), context, approaches (i.e. deductive or inductive), authenticity, the variety of the activities, their adequacy for practice and their grading. In addition, attention was given to the evaluation of the implementation (methodological procedures or options) of grammar practice activities/ exercises in EFL classrooms particularly in three secondary schools of Addis Ababa city Administration. The required data for the study were gathered through the analysis of the grammar practice exercises in the textbook, questionnaires (teachers' and students,) and classroom observations. To analyze and interpret the data, the researcher used both the qualitative and quantitative methods. The findings of this study generally indicate that almost all the teachers present a new grammar item deductively in decontextualized separate sentences; the vast majority of the grammar exercises in the textbook are form-focused, individual activities and do not occur in contexts; communicative and inductive granunar exercises are almost nonexistent. In addition, more than half of the students responded that the exercises are difJicult and not interesting to them. Classroom observations also indicated that class time was dominated by teacher~fi'onted mode of teaching, while pair and group work activities were rarely used in most of the classes observed. Therefore, the students were not given the opportunity to interact among and between them. Due to this, it was generally concluded that the design and the implementation (or pel/ormance) of the grammar practice exercises are not in harmony with the insights gained Fom the theories and practices of the communicative language teaching (CLT). In other words, the grammar exercises are not found to be meaningfiti and communicative activities as it was claimed by the textbook writers. Finally, it is recommended that the Ministry of Education, textbook writers, teacher trainers and teachers should exert a maximum effort for designing communicative grammar tasks and for conducting workshops, seminars and otherforms of training on the presentation and practice of a grammar pointItem An Investigation of Motivational Strategies Employed by a Teacher in EFL Classroom *ICS Addis In Focus*(Addis Ababa University, 2011-11) Hailu, Dereselign; Hailu, Alemu (PhD)This research is an attempt to investigate the motivational strategies employed by the teacher of English as a Foreign Language. Gardner claims motivation to be the primary factor in L2 learning in his socio-educational model (1994: 361). The study, hence, closely examined to what extent motivational sh·ategies are used in EFL classes at the International Community School of Addis Ababa (rCS Addis). The participants are 20 middle school international students and their English Language Teacher. For the investigation, Marzano's work was modified to fit the context of the setting in which the research was carried out. Data h·iangulation was made by gathering information from students, the teacher and observation, whereas, methodological h·iangulation was achieved by gathering data through observation, questiOimaire and interview. Having examined the results of the data gathered, the resea rcher arranged a session with the teacher to discuss the findings. In particular, the discrepancies between the interview and the questionnaire were brought to the teacher's attention and a platform, where the teacher could have a say on it, was fa cilita ted for the teacher. The findings of the study indica ted that some motivational tecluuques are being used by the teacher. However, this should be maximized and varied in order to bring a significant change in students' in-take of the lesson and increase their level of engagement. Results also revealed that some sh·ategies regarded as important have been underutilized in the classroom. Accordingly, possible suggestions of motivational techniques to be put into practice have been forwarded to the teacher. Thus, during the whole process, awareness has been created and emphasis has been given to the teacher on employing motiva tional sh·ategies in language teaching. Recommendations have also been made towards the utiliza tion of motivational strategies in English as a Foreign Language Classes. Consequently, the teacher is expected to alter Ius attitude and give due importance to motivation by designing different engaging and motivating in-class activities and by being more enthusiastic, passionate and motivational during lesson delivery in order to become more effective in the teaching of English as a Foreign Language.Item Some Causes of Writing Problems of Second Year English Majors at Abbiyi Addi College of Teacher Education(Addis Ababa University, 2009-06) Asmare, Molla; Hailu, Alemu (PhD)The main objective of this study was to investigate the major causes of students' problems in writing in English. The study was carried out in Abiyyi Addi College of Teacher Education with special reference to second year English major students. From the total of 160 students, 50 of them were taken using a simple random sampling method. Moreover, all the six language teachers were taken as the subjects of the study. So as to obtain relevant and sufficient-information, the researcher used questionnaire and interview as instruments. The findings of the study reveal that the students have a lot of problems in writing in English such as problems in using appropriate grammar items, problems of organizing ideas, problems in using correct punctuation marks and correct spelling. In addition to this the students have difficulties in using appropriate cohesive devices when they write in English. Students' lack of practice in writing in English since lower grades, lack of adequate time during writing exercises, focusing on mechanics and grammar than on contents in teaching writing, less help from language teachers in writing, inappropriate feedback given by teachers in writing, inappropriate activities in the module and the difficult nature of the writing skill itself are found to be the major causes of students problems in writing in English. Finally, on the basis of the findings, recommendations are made.Item Vocabulary Testing Techniques and Their Revel Acne to Vocabulary Teaching Techniques Suggested: the Case of Grade 11 English Textbook(Addis Ababa University, 2009-06) Mulugeta, Ayalew; Hailu, Alemu (PhD)Tile rnnin nim of this study wns to exnmine the relntionship between the vocnbulary tenching techniques used in Englisll textbook nnd the lIOcnbulnry testing techniques in schools. To tllis end, gmde elwen Englisll textbook lpns selected nnd the vocnbulnry tenching techniques were identified nnd exnmined. Similarly, eighteerl finnl examinntion pnpers were selected frorn tlJlO governr/'lent nnd one non-government preparatory schools. items used in the exnminntion papers were sorted oul mid cntegorized nccording to their types. After t/wl, the relntionship between the vocnbulnry lenching techniques nnd the testing techniques wns compnred nnd contrasted. The findings of the study sl/071' thnt there is n mislllntch betlpeen tile lJocnbulnry teaching techniques in the textbook nnd tile testing techniques in the eXnIninntion pnpers. Finnlly, bnsed on the drawn conclltsions, reconl/uelldntions were 11lnde ..Item Vocabulary–Learning Strategy Use: The Case of High and Low Achiever Students in Gondar College of Teacher Education(Addis Ababa University, 2008-06) Gidey, Getnet; Hailu, Alemu (PhD)The main purpose of this study was to investigate vocabulary-learning strategies used by high and low achiever students. The focus was to see similarities and differences between high and low achiever students in using vocabulary-learning strategies. To this end, a questionnaire was designed using Schmitt (1997) model. The questionnaire was administered to 30 students (15 high achievers and 15 low achievers) from Gondar College of Teacher Education. The frequency and t-test were used to analyze the data. The frequency was used to describe the information taken from the questionnaire. The t-test (with significant difference level P<0.05) was applied to check if there was a statistically significant difference between “high’ and ‘low’ achievers in using each sub-category of vocabulary learning strategies. The finding shows that there was a relationship between vocabulary learning strategy use and language learning achievement. The more successful language learners (i.e. high achievers) use more vocabulary learning strategies than the less successful learners (i.e. low achievers).