IER Theses and Dissertations
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Item Stra Tegic Planning in Woreda Education Offices in Central Zone of Tigray(Addis Ababa University, 2011-04) Mohammed, Nigus; Abate, Diribsa (PhD)The lIIain purpose oj" Ihe sludy I!'CIS 10 assess Ihe praclice of slralegic planning in Iroreda educalion offices ill cemral zolle oj" Tigray lI'ilh Ihe imenl oj"suggesling II'ClYS fin' iIJlprOl'illg il. Accordingly. 10 (//7Slrer Ihe basic research queslions in relOlion 10 Ille lII aglli/l /(le o/slakellOlders' involvemenl, cOlllpollems o/slralegic plan adequacy and ulilizalion of resources, compelence of WEO heads for ~[/eclive preparalion, illlplemenlalion and lIIoniloring and evalua/ion of educalional slralegic plans, sySlem of mOl7iloring and evalualion, and lIIajor di/ficul!ies encoumered in preparing and ill7ple ll7eming slralegic planning IFere soughl in Ihe course of!lw sludy. The research lIIelhod elllplo) wi was a descriplive survey, avai/obiIiIY, slrmijied and simple random sampling were used 10 selecl sample of the respondents. The data included 66 staff members of WEO, 30 principals of preparatory, secondary and full elementw), schools and 40 head departmems 0/ preparatolY and' secondwy schools. Questionnaires. interviews and document analysis lI'ere used as daw gCllhering tools. The dClla were analyzed using percentage, lIIean. chi-square.KolmogllrOl'-SlIIilllov one-solllple lesl fIIul 1-1<'.1'1 The fi nding oj" Ihe sludy revealed that Ihe practices 0/ slralegic planning and IForeda educalion in Tigray has been characterized by weak stakeholders' involvement in the strategic planning aClirilies, inadequale budget and poor U1iliza/ion of resources, lack of integration of componenlS 0/ slrategic plans, lack of COll1pelence of WEO heads /() illlplel77cnl the slrmegies, inadequacy oj" moniloring and evalualion syslem Irere Ihe major problems Ihal affecl the succes.liul illlplelllenlation o/Ihe educational strategic plans in the sample IFo redas of the region. Based on Ihe major findings conclusions were drawn as; meaningful participation of stakeholders, relevant planners' knowledge and/or experience were fo und 10 be weak and Ihere was an adequacy 0/ plan IJlOniloring and emlucllion syslelll in Ihe selecled woredas. Finally, recomlllendalions were accordingly recollllllended Thus. increasing slakeholders' parlicipalion, enhancillg sOlll'ces oj" resources. imegraling Ihe componellls o/s/r(lIegic plans, providing suslainable capacily building lrainingsfor WEO heads, creating an independenl body for planll7oniloring and evalualion, Ihe needforfurther research works were SOllie oflhe 1110S1 imporlal1f remedies Ihm need 10 be ICIken so as 10 aile viOle Ihe exisling sillfaliol7s.