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Item Factors Affecting the Supervision Functions in Complete Primary School of Some Selected Woreda of Bale Zone(Addis Ababa University, 2011-04) Nigussie, Fikadu; Aba te, Deribssa (PhD)The purpose of this study is to assess the factors that affect the supen1ision func tion in complete primary school of some selected woreda of Bale zone. This paper highlights a descriptive study that inves tigated the predominant junction, their effectiveness, and challenges of supemision of complete prinwnj school of Bale Zone in botll cluster and school based supen1ision. The research instruments included questionnaires, unstructured interuieills and document analysis. The intemie7l's with 5 cluster supervisors fronl four identified clus ter center. Tile questionnaire used for the teacher's and school based supen1isors respondents frol1l the sampled school. The mean score and mean rank used in the study context. The findings of the study indicated that the supemisors junction more dominant in educational function and supportiue junction first and second respectiuely. Supenlisor's effectiueness posses the necessary knowledge to guide, support, assist, share idea and coordinate efforts in the job. But the supen1isors in the sampled scllOollack necessary supemisory training and experience. As result, the systems prouide insufficient contribution to the improvement of instruction and student growth in achievement. Supen1isors lack the skill of problem solving, tlley failed in developing the skill of teaching staff they failed helping new hire teachers, lack openness in communicating with staff and visiting school on tillle. The function challenged by lack of necessary skills, experience, lack of training, ill-equipped 1I1ith necessary tools, poor funding, non-uni/onllity of the sen1ice, in accessibility of sallie scllOols, lack of transportation sen'ice, the ouer burden of supenlisor's and teacllers resistallce to accepted the supen1isors effectiueness. Based on this analysis, therefore, the researcher recolI/lI/ended that the sllperllisors will be gilling a priority to supporth'e function and i1l1plement the rest according to their necessity. Superllisor's recruitment, selection training and re-training will be iruportant and prollide tile necessary atten tion by the concerned body. The edllcation office of the target woreda with the educational bureau oromia region and other concerned body should soll'e the problelll in relat ion to lack of training, lack of financial incentives feasible with the job, transportation semice especially for remote school supervisors, and other logistic of supen1isioil sllOuld be il11prolle