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Recent Submissions

Flowsheet Development Studies for Lega Dembi Gold Process Plant
(Addis Ababa University, 2023-09) Adinew Abebe; Abubeker Yimam (PhD)
This flowsheet advancement of Legadambi processes for gold plant contain different unit operation and unit process. Legadambi gold process plant use different beneficiation mechanism to extract and recover the valuable metal or element of interst from associated mineral or gangue. The process consists seven consecutive and interdependent but segregated unit operating process and unit process. Process those implmented in Legadembi were comminution (crushing and grinding), Thickening and reagent leaching (Extraction), both adsorption and Desorption (stripping), Electrowinninng and gold Smelting,Tailing dam and Detoxification plant. The flowsheet consists two crushing circuits each consists a primary, secondary and tertiary stage crusher that produces a crushed ore product, which is then conveyed to feed the grinding unit. Grinding unit is configured in two single stage mills with cyclone classification to confine the particle size reduction within requirement range. Grinding unit consist circuit discharges ore slurry through desanding screen to thickening unit; screen removes trash material from overflow slurry. Flowsheet of thickener and reagent unit utilizes flocculent chemicals to increase/enhances settling rate of solid in grounded ore slurry for gold and silver leaching process. Leaching circuit uses sodium cyanide to extract gold. In the pulp procedure, activated carbon and gold from the ore are utilized to adsorb the recovered gold from solution in carbon. The carbon is gathered and processed in the elution circuit, which separates the carbon and gold, after the CIP circuit. While the gold is extracted from solution during the electrowinning process, the carbon is renewed and utilized again in the CIP circuit. To create gold Dore bars, the stripped and electrowonted gold is melted in a gold chamber. For the purposes of final deposition, recovering decant water, and the detoxifying process, process tailg ravitate to a tailing storage facility. Process tails solution detoxified in cyanide destruction plant before being discharged to the environment. Finally, Production process of each unit described with block and process flowsheet.
Assessment of Visitors Perception on Entoto Park Tourist Attraction Site
(Addis Ababa University, 2022-10) Hailu Tadele; Tesfaye Zeleke (PhD)
Visitors assess their satisfaction with tourist attraction locations by comparing the actual provision of tourist amenities and services with their expectations. This study's main objective was to objectively assess how satisfied visitors were with the tourist attractions offered at Entoto Park compared to their expectations. It looks into some of the key factors that may have an impact on how satisfied visitors are with various tourism amenities and services. When tourists have pleasant experiences with the tourist attractions, services, goods, and other resources offered there, they are more likely to stay, return, and promote the place to others.114 visitors to the tourist attraction site were included in the sample in order to investigate the relationship between tourist facilities and visitor satisfaction. Between May 14, 2022, and June 13, 2022, visitors to the research region, both local and foreign, provided the primary data. In order to gauge how satisfied visitors were with the attraction site, six aspects of the tourist facilities were examined: visitor safety and security; accessibility of the facilities, the site's allure and beauty, the hospitality services, the tourist information services, and the general perception of the brand and comprehension of the tourist attraction site. To gauge tourists' satisfaction with the existing tourism facilities and services, the components were categorized as being above or below visitors' expectations. A total of 114 respondents were included in the sample, which consisted of 52 men (45.6%) and 62 women (54.4%). The attraction site was filled with visitors of all ages. 35 to 49 years old made up the majority of responses (36%), followed by 25 to 34 years old (32.5%). 17.5% of visitors between the ages of 50 and 64 are respondents. The percentage of respondents under 24 years old was 7.9%, and the percentage of senior visitors over 65 years old was 6.1% of the total respondents. Entoto Park is a popular tourist destination that draws people from all vocations and walks of life. Government employment and self-employment accounted for 40% and 31.5%, respectively, of the respondents' total occupations. Visitors who are unemployed make up 10.5% of the responses, while visitors who are retired make up 9.6%. There are 27.2% of others overall, including workers in private and non-governmental organizations, professionals, managers, and educators, as well as those employed by UN agencies. Regarding visitors' countries of origin, the attraction site received both domestic and foreign visitors. Domestic respondents from Addis Abe made up the majority of the sample (56.1%), followed by domestic respondents from other parts of Addis Abe (24.56%), and the remaining 19.3% were foreign respondents from 12 different nations, including the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, France, Australia, Belgium, Holland, Kenya, and Uganda. Different modes of transportation are used by visitors to get to the attraction site. Public transportation, particularly taxis and buses, was the preferred form of transportation for the majority of respondents (48.2%), followed by own vehicles (45.%) for getting to the attraction site. 5.3% of the respondents, who walked while taking in the city's panoramic view, traveled by foot, while 6.1% of the respondents used rental cars to go to the attraction site. In terms of how the tourists' visit was planned, 86.8% of respondents said that travel agents did not plan their trips, whereas only 13. Travel agencies organized 2% of the respondents. According to the study's findings, the Entoto Park attraction site's visitors were dissatisfied because three of these tourist facility components—accessibility of tourist facilities, hospitality services, and tourist information services—were not up to par with visitors' expectations.
The Role of Community Demand Driven Development in Empowering Women: The Case of Bambasi Woreda, Beneshangul-Gumuz Region
(Addis Ababa University, 2023-06) Hizbayesh Getahun; Aynalem Megersa (PhD)
Women empowerment, which remains a substantial issue in Ethiopia, is taken as a research concern in Bambasi Wereda of Benishangul-Gumuz Region. Women in the study area were not empowered both socially and economically as men. This limited empowerment has resulted due to the presence of limited women's participation, lack of capacity building, denial of access and control of resources and deprivation of women to decision making. To avoid these restricting factors, a community driven development approach was implemented by the Development Response to Displacement Impacts Project in the study area. This study pinned out the role of community Demand Driven Development in empowering women in the study area. Both qualitative and quantitative research approaches (mixed research approach) were used. Questionnaires, interviews, focus group discussions and document reviews were applied and data were collected concurrently to generate and analyze the data obtained through purposive, stratified, and random sampling techniques. A total of 197 people took part in the study, with 135 Women respondents (48 FHHs and 87 women in MHHs) in household survey, 20 in interviews with key informants, and 42 in focus group discussions. Secondary data were collected from review of related studies, project reports and plans, and other related literature. Quantitative data was coded, entered, validated, and analyzed by descriptive statistics using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS-25). Qualitative data was also categorized by themes and then analyzed. The results of the study indicated that community demand driven development interventions have significantly contributed to women's participation in economic and social issues, household and community decision makings, and improved income, which in turn increased women's empowerment in the study areas. Gender norms which encourage the sphere of women at home and household tasks, prevents women from participating in community decisions and community meetings on an equal footing with men, their lower educational status, presence less seed money for common interest groups and rural saving and credit cooperatives which limited credit access to engage in business requiring more money were encountered problems for women. Arranging convenient time for household work, sharing domestic workloads with young children and husbands, combating gender norms in community meetings through representatives of women committee based members, getting support from their children and relative students in recording their expenditure and revenue, improving group saving to fill gaps to engage in big business and to diversify their business, and sharing of market information through mobile phones were among the coping mechanisms that women were used for encountered problems. Conducting continuous awareness creation trainings on gender issues at grass root level; arranging appropriate time and meeting place, capacity-buildings; promoting women-leadership trainings; creating linkage with microfinances and increasing group saving; promoting women friendly agricultural extension services, adopting labor and energy-saving technologies, and encouraging adult education for women to adopt technologies are suggested recommendations by the study.
Transboundary Water Resources Management Practices Comparative Analysis of Nile and Senegal River Basins
(Addis Ababa University, 2023-12) Kiram Tadesse; Yeshtila Wondemeneh (PhD)
Transboundary water resources management emerges as a difficult and explosive topic because of the conflicting interests of the involved parties known as riparians. This study examines how river basins address these conflicting interests by a closer inspection of the practices in the Nile River Basin as compared to the Senegal River Basin. The study uses a comparative study design with in-depth qualitative analysis of selected hydrological, political and socio-economic as well as developmental cases along with interviews to identify the factors that have been influencing the cooperation processes in the Nile and Senegal River basins. Upon arguing that the compound effects of hydro-ecological phenomenon, legal regimes, historical beliefs and unilateral actions of the riparians, the study has put forward some recommendations aimed at striking a ‘win-win’ solutions that could pave the way for the Nile riparians to come to a cooperative framework. These include, among others, focusing on benefits sharing than water allocations, focusing on scientific or technical issues than political, contest the legitimacy of the old-regimes through renegotiation of Cooperative Framework Agreement (CFA) with Egypt and Sudan, and challenging power relations in the basin.
Effects of Bedele Brewery Factory Effluent on Water Quality and Measures Taken To Encounter the Problems in Bedele District, Buno Bedele Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia
(Addis Ababa University, 2022-06) Lami Yadata; Engidawork Assefa (PhD)
Bedele brewery is one of the industries in the Ethiopian town that releasing high amount of effluent wastewater discharge into the surrounding environment and to the water bodies. The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of Bedele Brewery Factory Effluent on Water Quality and measures taken to encounter the problems, in Bedele District, Buno Bedele Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. Water samples were taken from the upstream part of Dabana stream, from brewery effluent discharge and downstream after 300 m from the point of effluent discharge to determine the pollution level of Dabana stream water quality exposed by Bedele brewery factory effluent. The water samples were analyzed for physicochemical parameters using DR/2400 and DR 3900 Portable Spectrophotometer by following standard methods and laboratory procedures. The analyzed physical and chemical parameters include; electrical conductivity (EC), turbidity, temperature, TDS, TSS, TS, pH, COD, BOD, DO, NO2 - -N, NO3 - -N, NH3-N, and PO4 3- concentrations were conducted following guidelines of American Public Health Association (APHA, 2017) and (WHO, 2011). Correlations among measured parameters and their significances of water and effluent samples collected were computed using SPSS software (version 22). From the measured values obtained in this study were almost half of the recorded values (turbidity, pH, temperature, TSS, COD, BOD and DO) were above the recommended values and the rest measured parameters were within both the Compulsory Ethiopian standard (CES, 2013) and World health organization (WHO, 2011; WHO, 2017) guidelines. Because of inadequate treatment of the effluent discharge from the factory & infrequent management of treatment plant as recommended standards this studied stream indicates polluted for domestic purposes. It also indicates the effects of discharging of effluent released from the brewery effluent are responsible for the high level of water contamination around the discharge point. Therefore, the waste water released from Bedele Brewery factory to the Dabana River affects the water quality standards and the responsible regulatory bodies (Environmental Protection Authority) should have taken measures in order to protect the river from such pollution problems. Thus, it calls for appropriate intervention, including awareness creation work and improving the existing infrastructure.