Application of Communicative Language Teaching in Plasma Tv Based English Classrooms: A Study in Two Government Secondary Schools in Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


The purpose of this study was to examine the application of communicative language teaching in classrooms learning English via plasma TV in two government secondary schools in Addis Ababa. Descriptive survey method was used to carry out this study. The subjects of the study were one hundred eighty students, sixteen teachers and two principals of Dil Ber and Tikur Anbessa secondary schools. The data gathering tools were questionnaire, interview, classroom observation check list and focus group discussion. The collected data were analyzed by using percentage, mean value and rating scale. The findings of the study revealed that communicative language teaching was not properly implemented in both of the sample schools due to various factors. The major factors were: inappropriate difficulty level of the activities presented by the plasma TV, students’ low proficiency in the language, lack of teachers’ training in teaching English communicatively, inappropriate time allotment for doing the activities, poor classroom physical environment, grammar-based examinations and shortage of curricular materials. Finally, recommendations were forwarded based on the major findings of the study in order to facilitate the effective implementation of communicative language teaching via plasma TV.



Two Government Secondary Schools in Addis Ababa
