Assessment of Water Loss in Water Supply Networks (A Case of Debre Markos Town)

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Addis Ababa University


Reduction of non-revenue water is one of the major challenges facing many water utilities in Ethiopia in general and Debre Markos water supply system in particular. So, the study focuses on the assessment of water loss in water supply networks in Debre Markos town using statistical analysis, Water audit and water CAD software. A statistical analysis was applied to analyze the current water supply coverage of the entire town. Water audit software was used to analyze water loss components and the efficiency of the system was evaluated using different performance indicators .Water CAD6.5 software was also used to simulation the distribution water supply network. Discussions were made with Local experts’ to support the quantitative analysis. From the result of the analysis, it was observed that the total water loss in Debre Markos water supply system is high reaches up to 40% of the system input volume and about 33% of the total system loss is real losses and 7% apparent losses. Besides, the average daily per capita water consumption of the town is 24 liter/person/day. In general, the low water supply coverage of the town was highly influenced by the availability of water. However, the main reasons for the high loss of water in Debre Markos water supply system are the present way of water network management with ad-hoc maintenance and insufficient financial resources of the utility. Thus, it is necessary to identify the losses encountered in the water supply system so as to take remedial actions in reducing the water loss more significantly. Key words: assessment of water loss, water supply network, water supply coverage, non-revenue water, water audit software, water CAD, performance indicator, Debre Markos.



Assessment of water loss, Water supply network, Water supply coverage, Non-revenue water, Water audit software, Water CAD, Performance indicator, Debre Markos
