Teachers' Job Satisfaction and its Impacts on their Performances in Implementation of School Curriculum in Government Secondary schools of Addis Ababa Region
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Addis Ababa University
The Purpose of this survey study was to investigate the perceived level of teachers' satisfact ion with some
selected job facets and to determine the im pact of teachers' level of satisfaction on their perfo rmances of
some se lected teaching and teaching related tasks. The study included 87 teachers (64 males and 23
fema les) from government secondary schools in Addis Ababa city Admini stration.
The instruments of the survey were developed from literature reviews, and experiences. Questionnaire was
employed to assess teachers' leve l of job satisfaction and perceived level of job performances.
Statistical techniques such as reliability test, descriptive statist ics, Pearson Product moment correlation
coefficient and regression analys is were used for the analys is of data. These statistica l analyses were
carried out using SPSS. The result of the study revea led that teachers teaching in government secondary
schools of Addis Ababa city were dissatisfied with their present salary and the society's view of teac hing
and teachers' and most satisfied with their co-workers and the work itself. The teachers were found to be
ave ragely sati sfi ed with the other job sati sfaction variables measure in the study. Teachers' demographic
characteristics have no such significant effect on teachers' level of job satisfact ion and their level of job
performances except sex and martial status have effects on some job performance variables.
Regarding teachers level of job performances both teachers and department heads perceived that teachers
were less performing in the areas of lesson presentation and commitment for student learning and better
performing in planning lessons and in their professional characteristics. The result of analysis from Pearson
correlation coefficient indicted that teachers' perception of the ir own performances were found to be more
re lated with the ir leve l of job satisfaction than the department head perceptions of teachers' level of job
performances. The results from the regression analys is showed that satisfaction with colleagues,
recognition and ach ievements in schools were found to be significant predictors of planning lessons.
Teachers' satisfaction with working freedom and working conditions were found to significant predictors
of teachers' level of lesson presentation; teachers' satisfaction with recognition was found to be significant
predictor of teachers' management performances and teachers' satisfaction with colleagues and recogn ition
were found to predictor of professionalism characteristics. But, all the overall models of the regression
analys is were found to be significant predictors of job perfonnances .
its Impacts on their Performances