Early Childhood Education practices the Case of Akaki Kality sub
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Addis Ababa Univerisity
The purpose of the study was to investigate the basic pracesses of kindergartens in Akaki
Kality Sub City of Addis Ababa fram the perspectives of the practitioners. Its ultimate
purpose was to advance knowledge on the sector and convey this understanding to
practitioners and policy makers in order to take timely corrective measures. The study
tried to pinpoint the major challenges encountered in the process, sort out best practices
and suggested solutions to prablems. The research was guided by interpretivist
paradigm employing qualitative research approach. Preschool teachers, principals,
experts, and parents were interviewed; the schools settings observed, and relevant
documents analyzed. Participants' selection was based on the rich information
individuals acquired to fully answer the basic questions of the study. The data collected
from the above participants were coded, categorized under recurring themes and
interpreted accordingly. Hence, the study found out that achievement of holistic
development of children in the schools was based on teachers understanding of how to
implement the curriculum and the schools orientation to satisfy the 'owners'. The study
also revealed low commitment of the government to promote preschool education.
Generally, I conclude that the practices of preschools in Akaki Kality are different acrass
schools and individual teachers depending on the understanding and motivation of
teachers and orientation of the schools. It is recommended that preschool should follow
unified curriculum that can enhance the holistic development of the child. In this regard,
implementation of the preschool curriculum should be strictly monitored and technically
supported by the government. Pravision of the curriculum and teacher's guides should
also be available to all (government, private, community, etc. preschools) without
preconditions. Moreover, adequate budget should be allocoted to preschools and the
manpower needs and motivations of Sub City Education Offices need to be revisited.
Early Childhood Education