Effect of Business Risk on Financial Performance of Insurance Business: A Case Study of Ethiopian insurance Corporation

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This study aims to explore the effects of business risks on the financial performance of insurance company specifically to evaluate the trend of the financial performance of Ethiopian Insurance Corporation. Bearing the objective to explore the effect of credit risk, under-writing risk, liquidity risk, and re-insurance risk, to analyze the effect of macro-economic variables including inflation, interest, and exchange rate on EIC’s financial performance. To accomplish these objectives, the study used primary annual data from Ethiopian Insurance Corporation audited annual financial statement and from National Bank of Ethiopia spanning from 2008/09 to 2022/23 G.C, to analyze the data the study used STATA software, descriptive and inferential statistics, graphical exploration, and time series model including Vector error correction model. By doing this, the result indicates that the financial performance of Ethiopian Insurance Corporation in decreasing patterns after 2020 contrast to the liquidity and credit risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, under-writing risk, re-insurance risk has not been managed well, credit, liquidity, underwriting, and re-insurance risks have long run effects on the performance of the insurance corporation. Furthermore, the results indicate that all the business risks considered for the study and included macro variables have long run effects on the performance of the corporation. Based on the above findings the researcher recommend that the corporation should provide continuous evaluation of claims, creating, recording and putting in to practice efficient procedures for managing products, and manage the types and attributes of insurance risks taken on or claims authorized, needs to create risk management plans to lessen the adverse effects of volatility, revise or induce a robust credit policy to minimize the corporations’ bad debt, and the board of management and the corporation’s management should induce risk aware culture across the corporation to manage business risks.


