Factors Affecting Employee Commitment in Nejashi Academy P.L.C

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Addis Ababa University


A study was conducted to determine factors affecting employee commitment at Nejashi Academy P.L.C and to identify the factors that influencing the employee commitment of Employees ,used the quantitative research design and distributed a clos emended questionnaire for 83respondents.Theinstruments used for data collection were adopted employee commitment questionnaire. Person’s correlation Statistical tool and multiple regressions were used to test the hypotheses the finding revealed that there was moderate level of employee commitment. According factors affecting employee commitment(Compensation and reward) and Training affect moderately were as performance appraisal highly affect level of NA employees And correlation analysis and multiple regression shows that significant positive relationship was found between employee commitment and the stated affecting factors. However multiple regressions analysis result was describe that the only two of factors were significant,(*p<0.05,**p<0.01)in influencing employee commitment. The significant variables were compensation and reward,(B=.323,p>=0.05)and training(B=.103,p>0.05)partially significant, but the other factors performance appraisal(B=.059,p>0.05)found to be not significant in influencing employee commitment in this research. And the adjustedR²is0.531.Thus,bytaking the adjustedR²0.513can be said the predictors i.e. Compensation and reward, Training and Performance appraisal account for51.3%variation of employee’s commitment. And the remaining48.7%depend on other factors. The result of the study also revealed that from the three selected factors major predictors of employee commitment were Compensation and reward and it recommended improving to give emphasis on this factor to increase employee commitment.



Employee Commitment, Reward, Training
