Tutorial Program for Students With Special Needs Educaion at World Wide Orphans Academy
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Addis Ababa University
The study investigates the effectiveness of the tutorial program in the primary level, In the case
of one non-governmental school. The main purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness
of the tutorial program provided for special needs students of the primary level first cycle
(grade1-4). To deal with the problem, four basic research questions were formulated. The
research questions were focused on the significant difference of the special needs students’
academic achievement before and after the introduction of the tutoring program, the influence
of the tutorial program in improving the academic achievements of special needs students, the
effective and efficient of the teaching methods of the tutoring program and the adequate of the
skilled manpower and material resources to implement the tutoring program for the special
needs student. In conducting the study a narrative method was employed in order to obtain
pertinent information concerning the current tutorial program. The finding indicated that the
tutorial program for the special needs students had shown a great change in their academic
achievements but the results were fluctuate .The teaching methods were different from the
tutorial program and they were flexible strategies to apply on the special needs students. These
strategies brought a change on the tutee academic performance. The tutors trained on special
needs education and help the tutor to implement the strategies easily during the tutorial
program .based on the findings, giving training in a short period of time; adopting teaching
methods and getting uniform results were recommended to solve the problems encountered in
the effectiveness of the tutorial program.