Application of Corporate Governance Principles and Challenges: The Case of Bunna International Bank S.C.

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Addis Ababa University


Corporate governance is essentially of greater importance to uphold the sustainable growth and strongly operate in the competitive and regulatory landscape of banking business. The study examined corporate governance practices and its challenges under the domain of Bunna International Bank S.C. Descriptive rsearch design was employed to conduct the case study. The population was tought to be Chiefs, Directors, District Managers, Division Managers and Senior Branch Managers currently working at Bunna Bank Head office and three district offices at Addis Ababa namely;South,West, and East. Structured and closed ended questionnaire were administered to collect data from the participants. Moreover, the collacted data was analyzed using SPSS version 25 and results were presented in the form of frequencies, percentages and tabulation. Generally, the findings reveals that applicability of corporate governance at Bunna bank are commendable in most aspects. Nonethless, areas such that raisng employees awareness towards corporate governance, lack of clear and enforcement mechanisms, conflict of interest, misuse of authorities, reluctance to take responsibility, and lack of synergy between board and management are identified as the prevalence challenges. Subsequently, possible recommendations are suggested which includes, the board should set “the top at the tone” and play a lead role in establishing the banks corporate culture and values, A bank’s code of conduct or code of ethics, or comparable policy, should define acceptable and unacceptable behaviors, and establish a system that work on employee awareness regarding good corporate governance



Corporate Governance, Corporate Governance Culture, Conflicts of interest
