Study of Community Participation in Improving Quality of Education: The Case of Bole Sub - City
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to inves~gate the scope of community participation to identify
the major problems and to come up wifh practical solution. in treating factors of the level of
community participation, the study was done mainly though descriptive survey method.
the data were collected through questionnaires from PTA members, Teachers, Students,
Principals Supervisors, Woreda and Keblea education heads as well as Bole Sub-City
education heads and experts, in addition statistical data obtained from the Sub-City and
Addis Ababa education bureau. Documents regulations, guide lines and directives are also
The result indicated that the community participation in improving quality of education in
Bole Sub-City is unsatisfactory.,.. Parents are not still sufficiently involved in their children
education hence the level of studeht achievement is decreasing; attendance home work tasks
are more likely indicate low parents involvement.
This is found mainly to the lack of the new forms of community participation which" is an
integral part of the education reform program such as community participation in school
improvement program, low community participation in curriculum design, low participation
" of the community in actual teaching as a resource person, supervision and monitoring of
students attendance and participation in the form of offering less motivation to teachers to
improve their performance.
It is absolutely necessary to enhance a school based management in which the local
community directly participate in the management of the school, so the most important
action which must be taken to encourage community participation in the Sub-City is to well
come it.
Community Participation in Improving Quality of Education