Comparative Study of the Vegetation Composition of Mt. Alutu and Mt. Chubbi along Altitudinal Gradient

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Addis Ababa University


Comparative study of the vegetation composition of Mt. Alutu and Mt. Chubbi along altitudinal gradient was performed. Seventy-one, 20m x 20m stands, thirty-seven from Mt. Alutu and thirty-four from Mt Chubbi were selected systematically and all plants in the stands were recorded as present. Cover abundance value for trees, slU'ubs, and herbs was estimated. In addition trees and shrubs were counted. Enviromnental factors (altitude, slopes degree and slope aspect) were measured. The vegetation data from both mountains were merged and analyzed using the program SYNTAX. The utility program was employed to analyze species diversity. Eight homogenous clusters of stands were recognized. The resulting clusters were intelpreted as conUllunity types and given provisional names after two or three dominant species. The clusters of the stands were compared for their averaged environmental factors using Tukey's family error rate test. The clusters of stands were found to show the highest degree of contrast due to variation in altitude, i.e. in Mt. Alutu and Mt. Chubbi the main vegetation gradient is caused by differences in altitude. The altitude gradient is associated with changes in slope degree. In the present study sites altitude to larger extent, and slope degree to a lesser extent were found to be the major determinants of vegetational variation, whereas, slope aspect was less important.




