Sustainable Livelihood of Rural Households through Rural-Urban Linkage: In Case Study of GubaLafito Woreda, South Wollo Zone, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
This study analyses the sustainable livelihood through rural urban linkage. This study was
conducted with the objective of examining and studying sustainable rural livelihood through
rural urban linkage in GubaLafito district. In order to achieve this objective, primary data were
collected from 164 randomly selected households. For the data analysis, both descriptive and
econometrics analysis were used to describe the livelihood resource/asset of the GubaLafito
district and the different livelihood strategy options. The result of the study reveals that, through
rural households derive a larger proportion of their income from framing, there are also
different kinds of strategies they follow to improve their livelihoods, increase credit service and
saving of money is important to stimulate the rural non-farm income and strengthen rural urban
linkage. Physical infrastructure like road, communication and rural electrification are improves
rural productivity and access for market in their village encourage the flow of people from urban
to rural areas and increase the degree of rural and urban linkage between rural and urban
areas. Finally, in order to strengthen rural urban linkage; agricultural development to generate
surplus, strengthen marketing facilities and intensifying the physical connection are some of the
critical points which is forwarded by the researcher as a recommendation.
Rural Households through Rural-Urban Linkage