The Implementation of Active Learning Approach in Selected Upper Primary School of Addis Ababa,
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Addis Ababa Univerisity
True learning demands engaging learners in active and purposive use of
i11formationfrom their environment and other sources to make a betterli[e. The
purpose of this stlldy was to investigate the statlls of the implementation of
active learning approach in some selected governmental and private upper
primary schools in Addis Ababa. Data were generated using a questionnaire
that was dispatched to a purposively selected 63 teachers and 124 students, an
interview conducted with a purposively selected 8 school principals, classrooms
observations and review of curricular I1wterials. By employing a descriptive
survey research method, the sllidy found out that although the implementation
of active leaming approach is emphasized in the policy, currently leclw'e
methods, in which teach ers' talks dominate in most classrooms. 'l'he obstacles
found were teachers' lack of skills, inappropriate curricular materials, lack or
school facilities to implement active leaming and to some extent studenls' (mel
teachers' lack of positive attitude towards active learning. The result seems to
suggest that the policy has set expectations on schools to implement active
learning approach that demands more than what they actlwlly can do ut the
moment. Therefore, provision of more enobling conditions such us instrudionul
resources, suitable curriculor I1wterials unci continuous and relevu nt in -service
and pre-service trainings for upper primary school teachers is hiyhly essentiul
to improve the implementation of active learning.