Antenatal Care and Health Facility Delivery Practice Among Mothers in Konso Woreda, Southern Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Background: Worldwide, developing countries accounted for the majority of maternal deaths.
Even though antenatal care and institutional delivery were mentioned among the interventions
directed toward improving maternal health, their utilization is unsatisfactory in most resource-poor
Objectice: The main objective of this study was to assess antenatal care and health facility delivery
practice among mothers in Konso Woreda, Southern Ethiopia from March 21 to April 16, 2016
Methods: A community based cross-sectional study was done from March 21, 2016 to April 16,
2016 on sample of 865 mothers who gave birth in the last one year prior to the study in Konso
Woreda by employing multi-stage stratified cluster sampling technique. The data were collectied
using a pre-tested interviewer administered questionnaire. We analysed the data to identify the
factors associataed with antenatal care and health facility delivery practice using logistic regression
Results: The proportion of mothers who made at least one antenatal care visit for their most recent
birth was 82.0% however, only 54% of them had received the recommended four or more visits.
Although the proportion of at least one antenatal care visits was high, only 60% of the mothers
gave birth at health institutions. After controlling for residence, husband education and household
wealth quintile in the adjusted logistic regression model, maternal age, possession of
communication Medias
and walking distance (in hours) to the nearest health were found
significantly associated with antenatal care practice. Similarly after controlling for residence and
pregnancy intention, provision of delivery care by the nearest health facility and proximity of the
health facility to the residence were found to significantly affect institutional delivery.
Conclusions and recommendations: Despite high attendance of at least one antenatal care visit,
low utilization of the recommended antenatal care visits and institutional delivery was observed.
Socio-demographic, obstetric and health facility factors were associated with both antenatal care
and health facility delivery practice. More effort should be taken to equip health facilities with the
capacity to provide maternal health care services, delivery care in particular.
Keywords: Antenatal care practice, Health facility delivery practice, Konso Woreda.
Antenatal care practice, Health facility delivery practice, Konso Woreda