Male Partner’s Involvement and its Associated Factors in Promoting Skilled Delivery Attendance Among Fathers who Have Children Less Than Oneyear of Age in Ambo Town, Ethiopia, 2017
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Addis Ababa University
Background: Male partner‟s involvement in maternal health care has been described as a
process of social and behavioral change that is needed for men to play in maternal health care
with the purpose of ensuring women‟s and children`s wellbeing. How every little has been
explored about level of male involvement and associated factors in promoting skilled birth
attendant in the study area
Objective: To assess male partner‟s involvement and its associated factors in promoting skilled
delivery attendance among fathers who have children less than one year of age in ambo town
west shoa zone, western Ethiopia, 2017
Methods: Community based cross sectional study design was conducted on a sample of 408
male partners‟ that has children less than one year of age. The data was collected using simple
random sampling method. The data were entered into Epi 3.3.5 version data and analyzed by
SPSS window software.Discriptive statistics and measure of central tendency and variability
were computed. Binary and multiple logistic regressions were used to identify the association
between dependent and independent variables.
Result. Out Of three hundred ninety six study Participants‟, One hundred sixty-six (41.9 %) of
male partners involved in promoting skilled birth attendant of their spouse. Age group between
20-29 years [AOR=16.34(7.582-35.238)], participant who have diploma and above
[AOR=2.85(1.013-8.057)], those who are civil servant [AOR=2.51(1.449-4.351)], monthly
income who have greater than three thousand and five hundred [AOR=2.25(CI: 1.084-4.707)]
and knowledge of skilled attendant [A0R=2.73(1.617-4.636)] had significant association with
male involvement
Conclusion and recommendation: level of male partner‟s involvement in promoting skilled
birth attendant was low. Age of male partners, educational level, occupational status, monthly
income and knowledge on skilled birth attendant were found to be associated with male partner‟s
involvement. To improve male partner involvement, policy makers and different stake holders
has to adopt strategies/programs to promote male involvement, promote education and facilitate
economic empowerment, create awareness on importance of male involvement in skilled birth
attendant through media ,health education and community mobilization
Key words: Male involvement, skilled delivery attendant, Ambo town, Ethiopia
Male involvement, Skilled delivery attendant, Ambo town, Ethiopia