Ethio-Eritrean Relations: From Stalemate to Engagement Challenges and Prospects

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Addis Ababa University


This study aimed to analyze the Ethiopian-Eritrean relation from Stalemate to engagement and its challenge and prospect. In order to achieve this objective, the thesis has tried to link the concepts conflict, cooperation, bilateral relation and theories of integration, analyzed the historical relations between the two countries and the ups and downs that their relations have faced in the due course of its process, outlined challenges and prospect, identified the key issues the relation between Ethiopia and Eritrea and how they could transform from Stalemate to engagement. Depending on qualitative examination of texts and semi-structured interviews the data have been collected both from primary and secondary sources of information. The primary sources of information were collected through a series of semi-structured interviews with key informants. Apart from this, secondary sources of information were also collected from old and recent publications. Again, information from day to day news from different Medias was also used in the final analysis of the study. Finally, the thesis came up with some ideas that indicate challenges and prospect between Ethiopia and Eritrea on going normalization process. The study concludes that: because of the internal political division within Ethiopia, The EEBC decisions, the presence of Mutual miss trust and suspicious in the rapprochement, centralized foreign policy making in Eritrea, lack of enforcement mechanism and rule-based relation with Transparency, the Eritrea Relation with AU and IGAD, the Arab Countries Interest in the Rapprochement and Economic policy and Ideological deference between Ethiopia and Eritrea have been challenging the normalizations process. The Study also concluded that: implementing the EEBC decision would not bring the expected normalization between the two countries rather must ready to accepting the realty in the manner of flexibility to achieve the desired optimistic prospect. Finally, This Study concludes; If the two countries use this rapprochement appropriately, and creating cooperation in an explicit bargaining process, the engagement process can lead to full cooperation based on the spillover effect each in. Keywords: AU, Cooperation, EEBC, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Engagement, Normalization, Rapprochement, IGAD, Prospect.



AU, Cooperation, EEBC, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Engagement, Normalization, Rapprochement, IGAD, Prospect

