Application of Integrated Geophysical Techniques for Mapping Ground Water Resource at the Tisabalima Sub Basin, Eastern Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia.

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Addis Ababa University


This work which focuses on geophysical study at Tisabalima sub basin has the aim of identifying the groundwater potential zone of the sub basin and locate potential sites for the drilling of test and production boreholes. During this study, Electrical Sounding and Magnetic data were collected, processed and interpreted using additional inputs from geological and borehole data. The electrical survey results have mapped the geeoelctrical/geological units and possible water bearing horizons in the area and these have enabled the selection of drilling sites for each traverse lines that showed the area to have high groundwater potential dominated by a confined aquifer. The area is identified as having alluvial deposits of sand, gravel and clay with a maximum thickness of 205 m. The magnetic results showed that the area is highly affected by regional tectonic settings such as NE-SW and E-W trending faults that could be the main controlling factors for the source of groundwater occurrences and as a discharge zone in the area. The electrical and magnetic results are seen to correspond very well especially in mapping vertical (near vertical) discontinuities like faults and weak zones in the area.



Application of Integrated, Geophysical Techniques, Mapping Ground, Water Resource, Tisabalima Sub Basin, Eastern Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia

