Comparative Morphological and Biochemical studies of Tempo.-al Genetic Differentiation of ill-situ (on-farm) Land races and ex-situ Accessions of Sorghum (SorghulII bic%r (L.) Moench) from North Shoa and South Welo

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Addis Ababa University


MOIphological and biochemical (isozyme) study was conducted all sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) ill-situ (on1'arm) land races and ex-siW accessions obtained from North Showa and SOllth Welo and ji'om the gene bank, respectively. Plants were sown and grown under controlled greell house conditioll alld the characters to be studied were scored at the appropriate time. On most of the qualltitative characters scored, it was found that there is a sigllificallt differellce in the means of each character scored, both at P < 0.05 alld P < 0.01 significance levels. This excludes meall Ilumber of leaves per given plallt, which is the only character for which 110 variation was observed. Distances bet1Yeell the different land races and accessions were calculated using the Euclidean distallce measurement. Based 011 this distance, dendrograms were constructed for both the ex-situ accessiolls alld ill-situ land races. Biochemical study was undertakell for two enzyme systems - a and jJ-Esterase (EST) and acid phosphatase (Aep). There was no variation observed for these two enzyme systems and all the land races and accessions appear to have the same banding pallel'll. Key words: in-situ, ex-situ, Sorghum hicolor, land races, accessions, isozymes.



in-situ, ex-situ, Sorghum hicolor, land races, accessions, isozymes.

