Practices and Problems of Implementing School Improvement Progran: The Case of Primary Schoolsin South East Zone of Tigray Regional National State
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose oj this study was to assess the practices and problems oj implementing school
improvement program in second cycle primary schools oj South East Zone oj Tigray
Regional National State. To accomplish this purpose, the study employed a descriptive
survey method. South East Zone has Jour woredas. Out oj these woredas, three woredas,
namely Seharti Samre, Enderta and Hintalo Wejerat were randomly selected to have an
equal chance oj being selected. Thus, two primary schools from woreda Seharti Samre, three
primary schools Jrom Enderat and Jour primary schools from Rintalo wajerat, that is, a total
oj nine second cycle primary schools were selected using random sampling technique. In
addition, 108(82%) school teachers using stratified random sampling able to get more
precise inJormation; 36(44%) Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) members using
purposive sampling; 180(4%) oj students with the possible inclusion oj both sexes were
selected purposefUlly Jrom each second cycle primary schools and grade levels who made
school self-evaluation and since these students understand the questionnaire to reply and 6
cluster school supervisors and 6 woredas supervisors were selected using purposive
sampling. The data gathering instruments included questionnaires, interviews, document
reviews and observation oj classrooms and school environments. Data obtained through
questionnaires were quantitatively described and interpreted using ji-equency counts,
percentages, mean values and chi-square tests. The result oj the study indicated that: the
school improvement program during its preparation was lack oj awareness or clear
understanding with relative weighted mean value oj 2.92; the practices oj school
improvement domains have been implemented moderatly in line with the school improvement
program Jramework based on each perJormance indicators with relative weighted mean
values oj 3.52 (except school community involvement domain with relative weighted mean oj
3.18, which is near to the average values); considerable number oj activities Jor school
improvement conditions lack the necessary awareness about their practices; and majority oj
problems encountered in implementing school improvement activities had been negatively
affect the school improvement program with relative weighted mean values oj 2.51.
Furthermore, it can be concluded that there is lack oj clear understanding in implementing
oj school improvement domains; low involvement or commitment oj school communities and
stakeholders and poor system oj monitoring and evaluation mechanism hinder proper
implementation oj school improvement program. Finally, it is recommended that the regional
education bureau, the woreda education office in collaboration with NGOs, universities and
colleges need to take wise decision making to provide long and short term trainings to
enhance the practice oj school improvement program and schools should also provide short
term trainings and experience sharing activities. Besides, school leaders and supervisors
collaboration with school teachers should exert maximum effort in providing effective
learning outcomes.
Problems of Implementing, School Improvement Progran: