Anthranoids of Some Kniphofia Species from Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa Universty


There are of least six reported s in Ethiopiil of a total of 65 species of Kniphofia in the world all of Vlhich are restricted to tropical Jifrica andYemen. Rniphofia foliosa (family Liliaceee) known in J\mharic as ilshenda or Shemetmete is used in Ethiopian traditional medicine for the treatment of abdominal cramps. Hecent eXilmination· of tl1e :vhizomes of this species l\)T our research group resulted in the isolation und chnructerization of chrysophanol and the llew anthranoid·k nipholone. Chloroform soluble fractions of the leaves of K. foliosa afforded a new anthracene derivative, aloeerJodin monoaceta-t;e, in midi tion to k.lipholone and chrysophanol. The structure of this net'7 compound was determined by spectral analysis of the natural product and its derivatives. The leaves, flowers and rhizomes of!li' folios a all contain knipholone as the major anthranoid with trelCe amounts of chrysophanol. Aloe-eModin -acetate is localized only in the leaves while the pigments desic;nated as Kf und K f are found 7 8 only in the rhizomes. l!'rom the acetone extract of the rhizomes of K. isoetifoli8 Of two pic;pwntH Kf and Kf were iso- 7 8 lated. The sodium dithionite reductive cleavage of Kf as well as a mixture of Kf and Kf c;ave chryso- 8 7 8 phanol and islBndicin as fruc;ments, a contribution tOl'lnrds tile final structural elucidation of these as yet unknown pigments. On further investigntion islnndicin Vias isolated for the first time from the rhizomes of ~. foliosa, K. isoetifolia Of and from the lenves of K. folios a and this finding probably constitutes the first detection of islandicin in higher plants as it was earlier reported only in func;i particularly in Penici- Ilium islandicum.



Knilphofia specie

